

Angular Visual Studio Webpack Starter

Build status

Template for Webpack, Visual Studio, ASP.NET Core and Angular. Both the client and the server side of the application are implemented inside one ASP.NET Core project which makes it easier to deploy.




<img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/11268349?v=3" width="70" alt="Fabian Gosebrink"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3442158?v=3" width="70" alt="Damien Bowden"><img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/707847627992338432/ytT_FxUY_400x400.jpg" width="70" alt="Roberto Simonetti">

Fabian Gosebrink, Damien Bowden, Roberto Simonetti


Table of contents

<a name="1"></a>Project structure

<a name="2"></a>Installing



You can use this template also with yarn.

Visual Studio

The installed nodejs on your system needs to be used inside Visual Studio and not the nodejs from Visual Studio. You need to set the path of your node before the VS node.

In Visual Studio: Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> Web Package Management -> External Web Tools

Move the $(Path) option above the Visual Studio one.

NPM Task Runner

The NPM Task Runner can be used to build the client application from inside Visual Studio. This task runner can be downloaded from:


<a name="3"></a>Running

The ASP.NET Core application contains both the server side API services and also hosts the Angular client application. The source code for the Angular application is implemented in the angularApp folder. Webpack is then used to deploy the application, using the development build or a production build, which deploys the application to the wwwroot folder. This makes it easy to deploy the application using the standard tools from Visual Studio with the standard configurations.

<a name="3.1"></a>Commands

The npm scripts are used to build, watch the client application as required. The scripts can be run from the command line or the NPM Task Runner.

The watch-webpack-dev npm script automatically starts in Visual Studio because it has been added to the package.json:

"-vs-binding": { "ProjectOpened": [ "watch-webpack-dev" ] }

All available commands are the following:

"start": "concurrently \"webpack-dev-server --env=dev --open --hot --inline --port 8080\" \"dotnet run\" ",
"webpack-dev": "webpack --env=dev",
"webpack-production": "webpack --env=prod",
"build-dev": "npm run webpack-dev",
"build-production": "npm run webpack-production",
"watch-webpack-dev": "webpack --env=dev --watch --color",
"watch-webpack-production": "npm run build-production --watch --color",
"publish-for-iis": "npm run build-production && dotnet publish -c Release",
"test": "karma start",
"test-ci": "karma start --single-run --browsers ChromeHeadless",
"lint": "tslint ./angularApp"

<a name="3.2"></a>Development

For the Angular app, we use JiT compilation.

npm run build-dev

Watch for development

npm run watch-webpack-dev

Hot Module Replacement

npm start

<a name="3.3"></a>Production

For the Angular app, we use AoT compilation, tree shaking & minification.

npm run webpack-production

<a name="4"></a>Testing

The xUnit test for ASP.NET Core API is in tests/AngularWebpackVisualStudio_Tests folder:

dotnet test

or from Visual Studio: Test -> Run -> All Tests

See this link for more details on xUnit testing in ASP.NET Core: https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/dotnet/articles/core/testing/unit-testing-with-dotnet-test

The Angular test is in angularApp/tests folder. It uses Karma test runner and Jasmine test framework:

npm test

runs the tests and watches for development. If you want to run the tests with a headless browser only one single time just type

npm run test-ci

See this link for more details on Angular testing: https://angular.io/guide/testing

<a name="5"></a>Dotnet Template

To install a template for this package we prepared a template.json to do that.

Just run dotnet new --install <PATH> where <PATH> is the path to the folder where the .template.config folder lives.

After that you should see the template when running dotnet new on commandline


Now you can use the temaplte with dotnet new angularwebapi

<a name="6"></a>Notes

The Webpack configuration could also build all of the scss and css files to a separate app.css or app."hash".css which could be loaded as a single file in the distribution. Some of the vendor js and css could also be loaded directly in the html header using the index.html file and not included in the Webpack build.

<a name="7"></a>Links
