


This project provides Ada/SPARK drivers to control the on-board peripherals of the DecaWave EVB1000 evalulation board. The drivers are implemented in Ada, but the package specs have SPARK annotations to allow the drivers to be used by SPARK code. The library provides drivers for:

The LCD and USB drivers use protected objects to manage shared access between multiple user tasks. Therefore, this library requires an Ada runtime which supports tasking, such as a Ravenscar runtime.

These drivers are built as a library named libevb1000.a, targeted to the STM32F105 Cortex-M3 microcontroller, which is the host processor on the EVB1000 board. You can also include the sources directly into your project.

This library also includes the peripheral register definitions for the STM32F105, generated by SVD2Ada.


To build the library, change to the repository root directory and type:

make build

You can optionally specify a different runtime system (RTS) to use (the default is ravenscar-full-stm32f105):

make build RTS=ravenscar-sfp-stm32f105

To install the Ada library to the directory <destination> change to the repository root directory and type:

make install DESTDIR=<destination>

Alternatively, you can copy/include the source code directly into your project by including all of the source files in the src and usb directories. You can refer to the example project file usb_echo.gpr in the examples/usb_echo directory to see how to compile and link from source files.

If you don't need USB functionality then you can exclude the usb directory and the files src/evb1000-usb.ads and src/evb1000-usb.adb from the build.


This library is licensed under the MIT license.