


An attempt to implement the Constinuency Tree LSTM in "Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks" (Tai, Socher, and Manning, 2015) in Theano.

Python requirements:

Data requirements:


To run:

To run using default settings:

python constituency_tree_lstm.py /path/to/stanfordSentimentTreebank/trees --word2vec_file=/path/to/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin

To see additional options:

python constituency_tree_lstm.py -h

Differences from Original Implementation

The original Constituency Tree LSTM was implemented in Torch. In addition, the following are different about this implementation


Performance is not yet equivalent to the results of the original paper, perhaps because of the above differences. The best performance I have been able to obtain thus far is ~0.85 on the binary classification task.