


V1.4.0 was using s3 for prebuilt binaries that is not associated with project anymore use v1.4.0 at your own risk


Build Status Build status

Exposes stats about V8 GC after it has been executed.


Create a new instance of the module and subscribe to stats-events from that:

var gc = (require('gc-stats'))();

gc.on('stats', function (stats) {
    console.log('GC happened', stats);

This will print blobs like this whenever a GC happened:

GC happened {
  startTime: 9426055813976,
  endTime: 9426057735390,
  pause: 1921414,
  pauseMS: 1,
  gctype: 1,
  before: {
     totalHeapSize: 11354112,
     totalHeapExecutableSize: 3670016,
     usedHeapSize: 7457184,
     heapSizeLimit: 1501560832,
     totalPhysicalSize: 9725880,
     totalAvailableSize: 1488434544,
     mallocedMemory: 8192,
     peakMallocedMemory: 1186040
  after: {
     totalHeapSize: 12402688,
     totalHeapExecutableSize: 3670016,
     usedHeapSize: 6485792,
     heapSizeLimit: 1501560832,
     totalPhysicalSize: 10166144,
     totalAvailableSize: 1489388528,
     mallocedMemory: 8192,
     peakMallocedMemory: 1186040
  diff: {
     totalHeapSize: 1048576,
     totalHeapExecutableSize: 0,
     usedHeapSize: -971392,
     heapSizeLimit: 0,
     totalPhysicalSize: 440264,
     totalAvailableSize: 953984,
     mallocedMemory: 0,
     peakMallocedMemory: 0

Property insights


npm install gc-stats

Node version support

node-gcstats depends on C++ extensions which are compiled when the gc-stats module is installed. Compatibility information can be inspected via the Travis-CI build jobs.