


An open-source forum engine, with an Elixir+Phoenix backend and an Elm frontend.

A community-funded project from SmoothTerminal.

This is the Elixir backend for the Firestorm Forum project. This is a bit of a rewrite to make it a bit better factored long term. It's presently at version 2.0-alpha-1. It needs a bit of work to consider it proper 2.0, but it's presently supporting the comments on SmoothTerminal in production.

There were two primary motivations for a rewrite.

In the process, there were plenty of features that were lost. Some of these features were unfortunately coupled to the provided frontend. We will re-implement those features, but didn't want to wait to get the new release out since it's been far too long since we provided updates.


This project was funded by a Kickstarter.

All of the patrons that made it possible are listed in the PATRONS file in the main project.


Firestorm is MIT Licensed.