


so many people talk about io, so let read it~

  1. Q&A: Why io.js decided to fork Node.js
  2. Node.js gains a new fork, much to Joyent's dismay
  3. Joyent staves off talk of a Node.js fork
  4. Node.js也分裂,核心开发者创建分支io.js
  5. Feature Request: Every async function returns Promise
  6. Isaac's blog
  7. StrongLoop’s Position on io.js
  8. logo ideas
  9. iojs.org
  10. 知乎上怎么看待近日 io.js 事件?
  11. Initial Release
  12. gist上的
  13. io.js TC Meeting -- December 2nd 2014 in youtube
  14. node-forward's discussions
  15. Hacker news comments
  16. io.js 非官方聲明,中文版本
  17. IO naming conflict with Io programming language
  18. Node.js Advisory Board
  19. io.js TC Meeting 2014-12-10
  20. Node.js is forked, not f***ed.
  21. Why Node.js Is Facing A Possible Open-Source Schism
  22. mikeal'blog On Corporate Ownership of Open Source