


A fast, simple & powerful comment system for docsify.

docsify-valine will allow you to use a fast, simple & powerful comment system valine on your docsify pages.


we provide you a simple demo page here , so you can see how it works.

the code refers to demo folder which you can find in the GitHub repo.

🚧 Install

Get APP_ID and APP_Key

Click here to register or login in leancloud. (for Chinese user , click θΏ™ι‡Œ )

Click here Create new application in Leancloud, and you will get APP ID/APP Key. (for Chinese user , click θΏ™ι‡Œ )

JS structure

Please include the following JS code in the appropriate location on the article page that requires the comment box:

        window.$docsify = {
          // docsify-valine (defaults)
          Valine: {
              appId: '<APP_ID>',
              appKey: '<APP_Key>',
              // docPath: 'hash', //default to `hash` ,or you can choose `full`
    <script src='//unpkg.com/valine/dist/Valine.min.js'></script>
    <script src="//unpkg.com/docsify-valine/dist/docsify-valine.min.js"></script>

See the Config for more details.