


Advanced Prompt Generation and Image Analysis

This plugin extends ComfyUI with advanced prompt generation capabilities and image analysis using GPT-4 Vision. It includes the following components:


1. PromptGenerator

A versatile prompt generator for text-to-image AI systems.


"subject" input field can be changed to support your style or lora, just add your subject and it will overwrite "man, woman ..." etc.

"custom" input field will add a prompt to the start of the prompt string. For loading styles



Analyzes images using OpenAI's GPT-4 Vision model.


gpt-4o vision Workflow

There is a toggle to create movie posters (08/04/24) ComfyUI_00161_


Generates text using OpenAI's GPT-4 model based on input text.


gpt-4o-mini Workflow


Generates text using custom Ollama based on input text.


Ollama Workflow

Pure Florence workflow:

Florence2 Workflow


Generates latent representations for use in Stable Diffusion 3 pipelines.




These classes can be integrated into ComfyUI workflows to enhance prompt generation, image analysis, and latent space manipulation for advanced AI image generation pipelines.




Following were generated with Flux Dev - 03/08/2024

ComfyUI_00005_ ComfyUI_00007_ ComfyUI_00034_

Following were generated with SD3 Medium - 06/15/2024

image image


APNext workflow example


APNextNode Function

The APNextNode is a custom node class designed for processing and enhancing prompts with additional contextual information. It's particularly useful for generating creative content by incorporating random elements from predefined categories.



The function supports multiple categories, which are loaded from JSON files in a specific directory structure. Based on the provided image, the supported categories include:

  1. architecture
  2. art
  3. artist
  4. brands
  5. character
  6. cinematic
  7. fashion
  8. feelings
  9. geography
  10. human
  11. interaction
  12. keywords
  13. people
  14. photography
  15. plots
  16. poses
  17. scene
  18. science
  19. stuff
  20. time
  21. typography
  22. vehicle
  23. video_game

Each category can contain its own set of items and attributes, which are used to enhance the input prompt.


The APNextNode class is designed to be used within a larger system, likely a node-based content generation pipeline. It processes input prompts and optional category selections to produce an enhanced prompt and a random output.

Input Types


The function returns two strings:

  1. An enhanced prompt incorporating selected category items
  2. A random output string with additional category items

File Structure

The function expects a specific file structure for category data:

└── next/
    └── [CATEGORY_NAME]/
        └── [field_name].json

Each JSON file should contain either an array of items or a dictionary with "items", "preprompt", "separator", "endprompt", and "attributes" keys.


This README provides an overview of the APNextNode function based on the given code snippet. For full implementation details and integration instructions, please refer to the complete source code and any additional documentation provided with the system where this node is used.

Adding Custom Categories to APNextNode

The APNextNode function is designed to be flexible and allow users to add their own categories and fields. This guide will explain how to do this and how to structure the JSON files for new categories.

Adding a New Category

  1. Create a new folder in the data/next/ directory. The folder name should be lowercase and represent your new category (e.g., data/next/mycategory/).

  2. Inside this new folder, create one or more JSON files. Each JSON file represents a field within your category. The file name (without the .json extension) will be used as the field name in the APNextNode function.

JSON Structure

The JSON file for each field can have two different structures:

Simple Structure

A simple array of items:


Advanced Structure

A more detailed structure with additional properties:

  "preprompt": "Optional text to appear before the selected items",
  "separator": ", ",
  "endprompt": "Optional text to appear after the selected items",
  "items": [
  "attributes": {
    "item1": ["attribute1", "attribute2"],
    "item2": ["attribute3", "attribute4"]

Field Descriptions:

Example: Adding a "Visual Effects" Category

  1. Create a new folder: data/next/visual_effects/
  2. Create a JSON file in this folder, e.g., effects.json:
  "preprompt": "with",
  "separator": " and ",
  "endprompt": "visual effects",
  "items": [
    "motion blur",
    "lens flare",
    "particle effects",
    "color grading",
    "depth of field"
  "attributes": {
    "motion blur": ["dynamic", "speed-enhancing", "cinematic"],
    "lens flare": ["bright", "atmospheric", "sci-fi-inspired"],
    "particle effects": ["intricate", "flowing", "ethereal"],
    "color grading": ["vibrant", "mood-setting", "stylized"],
    "depth of field": ["focused", "bokeh-rich", "photorealistic"]

Using Your New Category

After adding your new category and JSON file(s), the APNextNode function will automatically detect and include it as an optional input. Users can then select items from your new category when using the function for image generation prompts.

For example, using the "Visual Effects" category we just created:

Remember that the APNextNode function will handle the random selection and formatting based on the JSON structure you provide. This can greatly enhance the variety and specificity of prompts for AI image generation.

Here's a more professional version of the text, formatted as a README.md:

ComfyUI Node Family

This new family of nodes for ComfyUI offers extensive flexibility and capabilities for prompt engineering and image generation workflows.


Node Family Overview

The system includes numerous nodes that can be chained together to create complex workflows:

Node Chaining Example


GPT-4 Integration

Enhance prompts using the GPT-4 node:

GPT-4 Node

Local Ollama Support

Utilize local language models with the Ollama node:

Ollama Node

Image-Based Prompt Generation

Create prompts based on images using various vision models:

Image-Based Prompt Generation

Dynamic Prompt Generation

Automatically incorporate LORA tokens using pre-defined prompts:

Dynamic Prompt Generation

Random Prompt Generator

Generate completely random prompts without the need for external language models:

Random Prompt Generator

Installation and Usage

  1. Download the example workflow: apntest.json
  2. To use GPT workflows, set your OpenAI API key in the environment:
    set OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-your-api-key-here
  3. Run ComfyUI

Custom Extensions

Add your own custom folders within comfyui_dagthomas/data/next with custom properties. These will be loaded in ComfyUI alongside the other nodes.


This project is currently in beta. Detailed documentation is in progress. Explore the various nodes and their capabilities to unlock the full potential of this ComfyUI extension.