Swift completion for NCM, based on the SourceKitten framework.
- Install and config SourceKitten
vimrc example
Plug 'roxma/nvim-completion-manager'
" swift
Plug 'dafufer/nvim-cm-swift-completer'
jump to placeholders
autocmd FileType swift nmap <buffer> <C-k> <Plug>(swift_completer_jump_to_placeholder)
autocmd FileType swift imap <buffer> <C-k> <Plug>(swift_completer_jump_to_placeholder)
setting custom target and SDK, and a SPM Module to read flags from it
" this variables can also be set specifically for a buffer by using b: instead of g:
let g:swift_completer_sdk = '/Applications/' "
let g:swift_completer_target = 'arm64-apple-ios9.0'
let g:swift_completer_spm_module = 'Test'