

Home Assistant Display Platform

With Fully Kiosk Browser Component

This project is for a display platform for Home Assistant that can be remotely controlled. The initial use-case for this is to control Fully Kiosk Browser using it's built-in REST API.

Warning: If you are upgrading from a previous version, please note that some of the service calls have changed!!


This component currently supports the following features of Fully Kiosk Browser:


Clone the repository into a convenient location and then symlink the display and fully_kiosk folders into custom_components. Ensure the trailing slash is not included on the symlink source.

$ git clone https://github.com/daemondazz/homeassistant-displays.git $CONFIGDIR/third_party/displays_git
$ ln -s $CONFIGDIR/third_party/displays_git/custom_components/display $CONFIGDIR/custom_components/display
$ ln -s $CONFIGDIR/third_party/displays_git/custom_components/fully_kiosk $CONFIGDIR/custom_components/fully_kiosk

Then you need to add a display: section to your configuration file with the IP addresses of the displays you want to control:

  - platform: fully_kiosk
    name: Kitchen Tablet
    password: 1234

On the tablet, you will need to enable the Remote Administration (from local network only should be fine) and set a Remote Admin Password.


If you used the above method for installation, you can update by simply performing a git pull and restarting home assistant.

$ cd $CONFIGDIR/third_party/displays_git
$ git pull
$ service homeassistant restart


Once installed, you should have a new Display card on your main HA Overview page. The state card for each tablet will show some information about the tablet, such as manufacturer, model and battery status and allow the screen to be turned on and off.

Display Platform Services

The display component supports the following services:

Fully Browser Kiosk Specific Services

The fully_kiosk platform provides the following services: