


ScreenMazer is a screensaver for Mac that builds a maze, and then solves it, repetitively. I had this idea a while back watching some gifs of maze generation, and so I made it!

<p align="center"> <img src="sampleMaze.gif" height="250" ><br> <i>Gif of it in action</i> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="settings.jpg" height="250" ><br> <i>Settings Page</i> </p>


  1. Download the latest zip file, and extract ScreenMazer.saver from the .zip file. Then double click to add it to Settings. Feel free to customize it!

Alternatively, you can build it from the source here.

If you're running into Security alerts, they're just from compiling on an older version of XCode. You can override them by going to Settings -> Privacy & Security and clicking "Open Anway".

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