


This is experimental tool that is capable of attacking multiple WPS-enabled wireless access points in real time.<br> It utilizes the pixie-dust attack every time it receives M3 message, unless it is disabled with -P<br> pixie-dust requires <a href="https://github.com/wiire/pixiewps">pixiewps</a> to be installed.<br>


First, you need packages libpcap-dev and libssl-dev, install them with apt-get or whatever your distro uses.<br> If you want the pixie-dust attack to work, you have to install <a href="https://github.com/wiire/pixiewps">pixiewps</a> too.<br> Then, just run ./install.sh and run 'penetrator'

cmd options

<b>-h</b> Display help<br> <b>-i</b> <dev> Set monitor mode device to use<br> <b>-s</b> Scan for WPS enabled APs<br> <b>-c</b> <channel> Set channel(s)<br> <b>-e</b> <essid> Set ESSID for next target specified with -b<br> <b>-b</b> <bssid> Set target(s)<br> <b>-A</b> Scan for WPS APs and try pixiedust on all of them;<br> <b>-M</b> Disable attacking multiple APs at once (only -A)<br> <b>-P</b> Disable pixiewps after M3 is received<br> <b>-D</b> Disable loading sessions - starts new<br> <b>-W</b> Wait after every PIN attempt<br> <b>-v</b> verbose - print info about WPS messages etc<br> <b>-vv</b> verbose level 2 - print pixiewps data<br> <b>-t</b> <seconds>Set time limit for scanning (default 10)<br> <b>-T</b> <ms> Set timeout - when it occurs, resend last packet (default 1)<br> <b>-R</b> <max> Set maximum resends (default 5)\n");<br> <b>-S</b> <seconds> Sleep after 10 failures in a row (default 60)<br> <b>-N</b> Ignore NACKs (debug)<br>

attack modes/examples

<b>1. Adding targets manually</b><<br> This command will attack two APs on channel 1 at the same time, one has BSSID 11:22:33:44:55:66 and second has ESSID "example" and BSSID66:55:44:33:22:11<br> <b>penetrator -i mon0 -c 1 -b 11:22:33:44:55:66 -e example -b 66:55:44:33:22:11</b><br><br> <b>2. Attacking entire channel</b><br> This will scan for APs on channel 1 and attack them all at the same time<br> <b>penetrator -i mon0 -c 1</b><br><br> <b>3. Attacking all APs in range with pixiewps</b><br> This will scan all specified channels (or range 1-13 if nothing is specified) and will try pixie-dust attack on all of them.<br> There is a timeout of 1 minute for every channel, so if it fails to capture M3 message from some APs, it will just skip them.<br> By default, all APs on the same channel will be attacked at the same time, this can be disabled with <b>-M</b><br> <b>penetrator -i mon0 -A</b>