

Luban the Paymaster - A Cross-chain Tx Sponsorship Protocol


Let's paint a picture. You're a high-rolling Ethereum whale, frequenting the dark corners of Discord channels, always on the hunt for the next big alpha. Suddenly, a hot tip comes in - there's a token launch happening on Polygon, and you, being the adventurous degen you are, want to dive right in. But alas! Your treasure chest is all on Ethereum. You're a fish out of water on Polygon.

You've got 10 minutes on the clock. The pressure is on. You're sweating bullets. 😰

Now, if you know what you're doing, you would:

  1. Scour the seven seas for the fastest bridge,
  2. Navigate to the bridge's website,
  3. Connect your Ethereum wallet,
  4. Initiate the bridge transaction,
  5. Wait... and wait... and wait...
  6. Finally, arrive at Polygon and connect your wallet,
  7. Only to find out that you've missed the boat. The token launch is over.
  8. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it?

But what if I told you, you could skip all these steps? What if you could teleport from Ethereum to Polygon in a single transaction? What if you could do it in the time it takes to make a regular transaction? And what if you didn't even need a wallet on Polygon?

Luban the Paymaster, your cross-chain fairy godmother. With a wave of his magic wand, he helps you get from chain A to chain B within seconds. No bridges, no waiting, no hassle.

How Luban works?


Luban operates by utilizing a custom paymaster - CrosschainPaymaster.sol - designed for Account Abstraction wallets, in conjunction with a unique JSON-RPC method, eth_checkCrossChainBalance. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

In the future, it's conceivable that a user would only need to maintain assets on a single EVM chain. These assets could then be used to sponsor transactions on all other EVM chains, as long as Luban is there to facilitate the process. This should be the pattern for future cross-chain transactions.