

Cr3dOv3r Python 3.5 Python 2.7 Build Status

Your best friend in credential reuse attacks.

You give Cr3dOv3r an email then it does two simple useful jobs with it:

Some of the scenarios Cr3dOv3r can be used in it


screenshot screenshot screenshot


usage: Cr3d0v3r.py [-h] [-p] [-np] [-q] email

positional arguments:
  email       Email/username to check

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -p          Don't check for leaks or plain text passwords.
  -np         Don't check for plain text passwords.
  -q          Quiet mode (no banner).

Installing and requirements

To make the tool work at its best you must have :


+For windows : (After downloading ZIP and upzip it)

cd Cr3dOv3r-master
python -m pip install -r win_requirements.txt
python Cr3d0v3r.py -h

+For Linux :

git clone https://github.com/D4Vinci/Cr3dOv3r.git
cd Cr3dOv3r
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 Cr3d0v3r.py -h

+For docker :

git clone https://github.com/D4Vinci/Cr3dOv3r.git
docker build -t cr3dov3r Cr3dOv3r/
docker run -it cr3dov3r "test@example.com"

If you want to add a website to the tool, follow the instructions in the wiki



If this tool has been useful for you, feel free to thank me by buying me a coffee :)



Cr3dOv3r is created to show how could credential reuse attacks get dangerous and it's not responsible for misuse or illegal purposes. Use it only for Pen-test or educational purpose !!!

Copying a code from this tool or using it in another tool is accepted as you mention where you get it from :smile:

Pull requests are always welcomed :D