


Linux post exploitation framework designed to assist red teams in persistence, reconnaissance, privilege escalation and leaving no trace. image

Function to generate various encoded reverse shells in netcat, bash, python, php, ruby, perl

Function to inject sudo command with wrapper function to run a reverse root shell everytime "sudo" is run for privilege escalataion

Function to inject the "ls" command with a wrapper function to run payload everytime "ls" is run for persistence

Function to log keystrokes of a ssh process using strace

Function to create cron job that downloads payload from remote server and runs payload every minute for persistence

Function to create systemd timer that downloads and executes payload every 30 seconds for persistence.

Function to try various methods to escalate privileges

Function to clear logs and make investigation with forensics difficult

Function to grab mass reconaissance/information on system

Function to check if the system is a virtual machine

Function to execute remote bash script in memory

Function to BanIp using iptables


one liner to install RedGhost:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/d4rk007/RedGhost/master/redghost.sh; chmod +x redghost.sh; ./redghost.sh

One liner to install prerequisites and RedGhost:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/d4rk007/RedGhost/master/redghost.sh; chmod +x redghost.sh; apt-get install dialog; apt-get install gcc; apt-get install iptables; apt-get install strace; ./redghost.sh


dialog, gcc, iptables, strace