

Angular 2 Style Guide Angular 2 Style Guide WebStorm Live Templates

Angular 2 Style Guide Join the chat at https://gitter.im/mgechev/angular2-style-guide

Official Webstorm Live Templates Repository

Given that most of us use both an editor & an IDE, every effort will be made to ensure that templates / snippets are kept consistant between the offerings supported by the Style Guide Colaborators.

Other Supported Editors

Getting Started

Demos and Template usage guides can be found in the wiki
Installing the templates

The first stable release will be pushed up to the JetBrains Plugin Repository

Customizing & Extending

While there is a commented section for custom additions to the templates, WebStorm/IntelliJ will reformat the XML file as soon as you edit a template & save.

I would highly suggest you commit customizations to a fork of this repo and copy the file into your templates folder. It will make picking up changes from ~HEAD much less painful.

More information on the topic can be found here