


A tool to hunt for credentials in the GitHub wild AKA git*hunt

Getting started

  1. Install the tool
  2. Configure your GitHub token
  3. Search for credentials
  4. See results cat results.json | jq

:tv: Demo


  1. git clone https://github.com/d1vious/git-wild-hunt && cd git-wild-hunt clone project and cd into the project dir
  2. pip install virtualenv && virtualenv -p python3 venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt create virtualenv and install requirements

Continue to configuring a GitHub API key

Configuration git-wild-hunt.conf

Make sure you set a GitHub token if you need to create one for your account follow these instructions.

github_token = ''
# GitHub token for searching

output = results.json
# stores matches in JSON here

log_path = git-wild-hunt.log
# Sets the log_path for the logging file

log_level = INFO
# Sets the log level for the logging
# Possible values: INFO, ERROR

regexes = regexes.json
# regexes to check the git wild hunt search against

GitHub search examples

the -s flag accepts any GitHub advance search query, see some examples below

Find GCP JWT token files

python git-wild-hunt.py -s "extension:json filename:creds language:JSON"

Find AWS API secrets

python git-wild-hunt.py -s "path:.aws/ filename:credentials"

Find Azure JWT Token

python git-wild-hunt.py -s "extension:json path:.azure filename:accessTokens language:JSON"

Find GSUtils configs

python git-wild-hunt.py -s "path:.gsutil filename:credstore2"

Find Kubernetes config files

python git-wild-hunt.py -s "path:.kube filename:config"

Searching for Jenkins credentials.xml file

python git-wild-hunt.py -s "extension:xml filename:credentials.xml language:XML"

Find secrets in .circleci

python git-wild-hunt.py -s "extension:yml path:.circleci filename:config language:YAML"

Generic credentials.yml search

python git-wild-hunt.py -s "extension:yml filename:credentials.yml language:YAML"


usage: git-wild-hunt.py [-h] -s SEARCH [-c CONFIG] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
                        search to execute
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        config file path
  -v, --version         shows current git-wild-hunt version

What checks get run regexes.json

This file contains all the regexes that will be used to check against the raw content filed returned for a search. Feel free to add/modify and include any specific ones that match the credential you are trying to find. This was graciously borrowed from truffleHog

Currently verified credentials via regex:



Credits & References

Inspiration to write this tool came from the shhgit project