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lookatme is an interactive, extensible, terminal-based markdown presentation tool.




pip install --upgrade lookatme
lookatme --tutorial

NOTE: lookatme 3.0 is nearing completion! Check out the latest release candidate with: pip install --upgrade --pre lookatme. Be warned, version 3.0 may not be as stable and contains breaking changes (mostly with styles) from previous major versions.

General tour


Embedded terminal example

terminal example

Sourcing external files example

file loader example

Navigating the Presentation

Next Slidel j right space
Prev Slideh k left delete backspace
Quitq Q
Terminal FocusClick on the terminal
Exit Terminalctrl+a and then a slide action
Vertically scroll within slideup/down or page up/page down

CLI Options

Usage: lookatme [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILES]...

  lookatme - An interactive, terminal-based markdown presentation tool.

  See https://lookatme.readthedocs.io/en/v{{VERSION}} for documentation

  -l, --log PATH
  --tutorial TEXT                 As a flag: show all tutorials. With a
                                  value/comma-separated values: show the
                                  specific tutorials. Use the value 'help' for
                                  more help
  -t, --theme [dark|light]
  --style [default|emacs|friendly|friendly_grayscale|colorful|autumn|murphy|manni|material|monokai|perldoc|pastie|borland|trac|native|fruity|bw|vim|vs|tango|rrt|xcode|igor|paraiso-light|paraiso-dark|lovelace|algol|algol_nu|arduino|rainbow_dash|abap|solarized-dark|solarized-light|sas|staroffice|stata|stata-light|stata-dark|inkpot|zenburn|gruvbox-dark|gruvbox-light|dracula|one-dark|lilypond|nord|nord-darker|github-dark]
  --dump-styles                   Dump the resolved styles that will be used
                                  with the presentation to stdout
  --live, --live-reload           Watch the input filename for modifications
                                  and automatically reload
  -s, --safe                      Do not load any new extensions specified in
                                  the source markdown. Extensions specified
                                  via env var or -e are still loaded
  --no-ext-warn                   Load new extensions specified in the source
                                  markdown without warning
  -i, --ignore-ext-failure        Ignore load failures of extensions
  -e, --exts TEXT                 A comma-separated list of extension names to
                                  automatically load (LOOKATME_EXTS)
  --single, --one                 Render the source as a single slide
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Known Extensions

Below is a list of known extensions for lookatme:

Extension NameInstall NameNotes
qrcodelookatme.contrib.qrcodeRenders QR codes from code blocks
image_ueberzuglookatme.contrib.image_ueberzugRenders images with ueberzug (Linux only)
renderlookatme.contrib.renderRenders supported code blocks (graphviz and mermaid-js) by calling an external program. requires an image-rendering extension


See the documentation for details.