


PyTorch 1.2 implementation for paper "Learning Implicit Fields for Generative Shape Modeling", Zhiqin Chen, Hao (Richard) Zhang.

Project page | Paper

Original implementation

Improved TensorFlow1 implementation


In short, this repo is an implementation of IM-NET with the framework provided by BSP-NET-pytorch.

The improvements over the original implementation is the same as IM-NET (improved TensorFlow1 implementation):


Decoder (=generator):



If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Learning Implicit Fields for Generative Shape Modeling},
  author={Chen, Zhiqin and Zhang, Hao},
  journal={Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},



Our code has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10.

Datasets and pre-trained weights

The original voxel models are from HSP.

The rendered views are from 3D-R2N2.

Since our network takes point-value pairs, the voxel models require further sampling.

For data preparation, please see directory point_sampling.

We provide the ready-to-use datasets in hdf5 format, together with our pre-trained network weights.

Backup links:


Please use the provided scripts train_ae.sh, train_svr.sh, test_ae.sh, test_svr.sh to train the network on the training set and get output meshes for the testing set.

To train an autoencoder, use the following commands for progressive training.

python main.py --ae --train --epoch 200 --sample_dir samples/all_vox256_img0_16 --sample_vox_size 16
python main.py --ae --train --epoch 200 --sample_dir samples/all_vox256_img0_32 --sample_vox_size 32
python main.py --ae --train --epoch 200 --sample_dir samples/all_vox256_img0_64 --sample_vox_size 64

The above commands will train the AE model 200 epochs in 16<sup>3</sup> resolution, then 200 epochs in 32<sup>3</sup> resolution, and finally 200 epochs in 64<sup>3</sup> resolution. Training on the 13 ShapeNet categories takes about 3 days on one GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU.

After training, you may visualize some results from the testing set.

python main.py --ae --sample_dir samples/im_ae_out --start 0 --end 16

You can specify the start and end indices of the shapes by --start and --end.

To train the network for single-view reconstruction, after training the autoencoder, use the following command to extract the latent codes:

python main.py --ae --getz

Then use the following commands to train the SVR model:

python main.py --svr --train --epoch 1000 --sample_dir samples/all_vox256_img1

After training, you may visualize some results from the testing set.

python main.py --svr --sample_dir samples/im_svr_out --start 0 --end 16


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE for details).