


Image text

Author license standard-readme compliant <br></br>

Pause development

I am very sorry that the development of this project will be suspended for a period of time. But you can refer to my latest work with IsaacGym:

We present the RL-based dual dexterous hand environment, Bi-DexHands, which provides a collection of bimanual dexterous manipulations tasks and reinforcement learning algorithms for solving them. Reaching human-level sophistication of hand dexterity and bimanual coordination remains an open challenge for modern robotics researchers.

Bi-DexHands contains complex dexterous hands control tasks. Bi-DexHands is built in the NVIDIA Isaac Gym with a high-performance guarantee for training RL algorithms. Our environments focus on applying model-free RL/MARL algorithms for bimanual dexterous manipulation, which are considered as a challenging task for traditional control methods.

Please visit the github page for more details and examples: https://github.com/PKU-MARL/DexterousHands/

Table of Contents


The Manipulator Reinforcement Learning based on Isaac-gym, the following additional implementations are added:

This project is still under development and detailed usage documentation will be available upon completion. <br></br>



Set up the Python package

Install in an existing Python environment

In the python subdirectory, run:

pip install -e .

This will install the isaacgym package and all of its dependencies in the active Python environment. If your have more than one Python environment where you want to use Gym, you will need to run this command in each of them. To verify the details of the installed package, run::

pip show isaacgym

To uninstall, run::

pip uninstall isaacgym

Install in a new conda environment

In the root directory, run:


This will create a new conda env called rlgpu, which you can activate by running:

conda activate rlgpu

If you wish to change the name of the env, you can edit python/rlgpu_conda_env.yml, then update the ENV_NAME variable in the create_conda_env_rlgpu.sh script to match.

To uninstall, run:

conda remove --name rlgpu --all

For troubleshooting check docs docs/index.html <br></br>


conda activate rlgpu
cd Isaacgym-drlgrasp/rlgpu
python train --task BaxterCabinet

You can choose to use PPO or SAC in train.py


Still in development <br></br>


See the contributing file! <br></br>


MIT © Richard McRichface.