


This repository provides a reference implementation of MAGNN as described in the paper:

MAGNN: Metapath Aggregated Graph Neural Network for Heterogeneous Graph Embedding.<br> Xinyu Fu, Jiani Zhang, Ziqiao Meng, Irwin King.<br> The Web Conference, 2020.

Available at arXiv:2002.01680.


Recent versions of the following packages for Python 3 are required:

Dependencies for the preprocessing code are not listed here.


The preprocessed datasets are available at:

The GloVe word vectors are obtained from GloVe. Here is the direct link for the version we used in DBLP preprocessing.


  1. Create checkpoint/ and data/preprocessed directories
  2. Extract the zip file downloaded from the section above to data/preprocessed
    • E.g., extract the content of IMDB_processed.zip to data/preprocessed/IMDB_processed
  3. Execute one of the following three commands from the project home directory:
    • python run_IMDB.py
    • python run_DBLP.py
    • python run_LastFM.py

For more information about the available options of the model, you may check by executing python run_IMDB.py --help


If you find MAGNN useful in your research, please cite the following paper:

 title={MAGNN: Metapath Aggregated Graph Neural Network for Heterogeneous Graph Embedding},
 author={Xinyu Fu and Jiani Zhang and Ziqiao Meng and Irwin King},
 booktitle = {WWW},