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vert.x OpenTsDb

This library allows you to save metrics into an OpenTsDb cluster. Which is a time series db for tracking service and business metrics.

To use this library you must have an OpenTsDb instance running on your network.

The library keeps 1 dedicated NIO socket connection to every OpenTsDb endpoint you configure. As metrics come they are flushed on a configurable timer schedule and the work is then split between the dedicated connections. In most cases you will probably only have one endpoint and one worker.

Getting Started

Add a dependency to vertx-opentsdb:



The vertx-opentsdb module takes the following configuration:

        "auto_deploy_verticle" : <default true>,
        "address" : <address>,
        "hosts" : [{"host" : <host1>, "port" : <host1Port>}, {"host" : <host2>, "port" : <host2Port>}],
        "max_buffer_bytes" : <default 1500>,
        "prefix" : <prefix>,
        "tags" : { "key1" : "value1", "key2" : "value2"},
        "max_tags" : <default 8>,
        "flush_interval_milli" : <default 1000>,
        "max_backlog" : <default INFINITE>,
        "spi_publish_interval" : <default 1000>

For example:

    "address" : "opentsdb-metrics",
    "hosts" : [{"host" : "localhost", "port" : 4242}],
    "prefix" : "myTestService",
    "tags" : { "host" : "mytesthost.com", "service" : "myTestService", "region" : "us-west1"},
    "max_tags" : 4

Field breakdown:



Adds a metric to be sent to OpenTsDb

To add a metric send a JSON message to the module main address:

    "action" : "add",
    "name" : <metricName>,
    "value" : <metricValue>,
    "tags" : { "key1" : "value1",
               "key2" : "value2"


An example:

    "action" : "add",
    "name" : "api.add_item.time",
    "value" : "150.23",
    "tags" : {"type" : "t"}

When the add completes successfully (which can be ignored), a reply message is sent back to the sender with the following data:


If an error occurs when adding the metric you will get back a response as failed and you need to check the 'cause' method for the issue, ie

JsonObject metric = Util.createMetric("test.value", "34.4", new JsonObject().put("host", "test.host.com"));

eventBus.send(topic, metric, new DeliveryOptions(), new Handler<AsyncResult<Message<JsonObject>>>() {
  public void handle(AsyncResult<Message<JsonObject>> result) {
    if(result.failed()) {
      System.out.println("Got error ex: ", result.cause())

Add All

Adds a list of metrics to be sent to OpenTsDb

To add metrics send a JSON message to the module main address:

    "action" : "add_all",
    "metrics" : [{
      "name" : <metricName>,
      "value" : <metricValue>,
      "tags" : {
        "key1" : "value1",
        "key2" : "value2"
        "name" : <metricName>,
        "value" : <metricValue>,
        "tags" : {
          "key1" : "value1",
          "key2" : "value2"


Generic Metric Publisher

There is a publisher that is provided to assist you in publishing metrics to the OpenTsDb verticle. It has a lot of helper functions you just need to give it an event bus reference and your vertx-opentsdb listening topic.


MetricPublisher publisher = new MetricPublisher(bus, "vertx-opentsdb-topic")

publisher.send("error.count", 5);
publisher.send("error.count", 10, new JsonObject().put("ui.screen", "landing_page"))

List<TsMetric> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(new TsMetric("ui.loaded", 5))
list.add(new TsMetric("ui.unloaded", 7))

SPI Integration

The library supports integration with the Vert.x SPI metrics interfaces so you can automatically publish metrics related to things that the vert.x framework is doing like http calls and event bus messages. You can enable this support like so:

// you need to initialize your vert.x instance with the metrics options turned on
Vertx.vertx(new VertxOptions().setMetricsOptions(new OpenTsDbOptions(config).setEnabled(true)));

Event Bus Error Messages

In some, hopefully rare cases, you may need listen to messages on the event bus for notifications of errors happening asynchronously that unmonitored could result in an extended loss of metrics if not dealt with.

The topic you need to listen on is 'vertx-opentsdb-errors', the message you receive will come in the following form:

   "error" : "<detailed error message>"


Example code

eventBus.consumer(OpenTsDbReporter.ERROR_MESSAGE_ADDRESS, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
    public void handle(Message<JsonObject> event) {
        // deal with alerting