


Cymmetria Research, 2017.


Written by: Nir Krakowski (@nirkrakowksi), Imri Goldberg (@lorgandon)

Contact: research@cymmetria.com Contact: research@cymmetria.com

StrutsHoneypot is an Apache 2 based honeypot that includes a seperate detection module (apache mod) for Apache 2 servers that detects and/or blocks the sturts CVE 2017-5638 exploit. It is released under the MIT license for the use of the community.

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Honeypot Installation, Running and Monitoring

Installation (Ubuntu)

Running the Honeypot

docker run -p 80:80 --name "mystrutspot_docker" -d struts_honeypot

Accessing the logs

Run 'docker ps' to validate the docker name: "mystrutspot_docker"

Then run 'docker exec -t -i mystrutspot_docker cat /var/log/apache2/error.log'



Rebuilding the Honeypot

docker kill mystrutspot_docker docker rm mystrutspot_docker docker build -t struts_honeypot strutspot_docker/

Then use test-struts2.py like below:


./test-struts2.py <url>

e.g: ./test-struts2.py http://localhost/

Detailed Info

The Honeypot uses mod_rewrite (see strutspot_docker/src/.htaccess) RewriteRule directive to redirect all requests to the same url. To avoid redirection for cover.css, apache.png, and struts.svg it has seperate rule for it. The Honeypot uses error_log() to send a JSON comment containing the connection info and other data to the apache default error log file. mod_headers is used to avoid default parsing by php for multipart/form-data. so it is modified to mmultipart/form-data before reaching the php parser.

Editing the Honeypot Website

Edit strutspot_docker/src/index.php and related ehtml files to add your own flavor to the honeypot itself. Inside the index.php as <?php code. This code must remain intact, anything else is completely independent and can be modified.

mod_contentrap Installation, and Running

This is a very simple Apache module implementation filter intended for a linux server with a running Apache2 server.




One can use the same python test script as before.

Important note

This has currently only been tested on Amazon's Ubuntu 16.04 LTS image, but should work on many other platforms (including previous versions of linux/ubuntu).

See also

Check out our Mirai honeypot (MTPot):