

Cylc TextMate Bundle

Last updated: <span actions:bind='update-date'>2024-05-15</span>

A TextMate bundle for working with Cylc workflow configuration files.


Download this repository keeping the .tmbundle extension.

FAQ - How do I enable syntax highlighting for all .rc files?

By default this bundle will enable highlighting for suite.rc and .cylc files (plus a few others), but not all .rc files. However, you can add your own file associations:

Once you've downloaded the repository, open the Syntaxes/cylc.tmLanguage file and add <string>rc</string> under the fileTypes key, like this:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
 <plist version="1.0">
+               <string>rc</string>

You will probably have to restart the editor for this to take effect.

Note: you can add exact matches (e.g. suite.rc.processed) OR extensions without the dot (e.g. rc), but you cannot use wildcards (e.g. * won't work).


This bundle is built from the Cylc TextMate grammar.

The bundle needs to be re-built when the grammar is updated. This is done by running build.rb.

Tue builder requires the plist gem.

How to Build A Bundle From Scratch

Bundles can be created via the TextMate app (Mac OS only).

The bundle editor appears to have disappeared in version 2, these steps apply to TextMate 1.5:

  1. Open TextMate.
  2. Open the bundle editor via the bundle menu.
  3. Create a new bundle.
  4. Within that bundle create a new language.
  5. Close the bundle editor.
  6. Navigate to /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/.

You now have a blank bundle. We need the bundle for two things:

  1. The info.plist file (which we will keep).
  2. The uuid in the language file (which we will use in the build process).