pico-c is a project created by Zik at The projet is now hosted at
pico-c intends to be a very light C interpreter. pico-c is very small, but include many standard libraries.
The content
Initially those libraries were natively integrated into pico-c:
- ctype.h
- errno.h
- math.h
- stdbool.h
- stdio.h
- stdlib.h
- string.h
- time.h
- unistd.h
Some of them were improved:
- stdio.h
- unistd.h
We have planned to add support for 3 other useful libraries:
- dirent.h
- regex.h
- socket.h
- stat.h
The pico-c syntax
$ pico-c -h
pico-c.exe, A very small C interpreter
Usage: pico-c.exe [-h] [-i] [-m] [-n] [-o] [<filename1>...] [- <arg1>...]
-h: this help message
-i: force interactive mode at the end of scripts
-m: run main() function automaticaly
-n: don't print prompt
-o: the original "old" mode
-v: print version
pico-c.exe script1.pcc script2.pcc
pico-c.exe -i script.pcc
pico-c.exe -m script1.pcc script2.pcc - arg1 agr2