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Micro SOCKS server

usocksd is a SOCKS server written in Go.

usocksd/socks is a general purpose SOCKS server library. usocksd is built on it.



Use a recent version of Go.

go get -u github.com/cybozu-go/usocksd/...


usocksd [-h] [-f CONFIG]

The default configuration file path is /etc/usocksd.toml.

In addition, usocksd implements the common spec from cybozu-go/well.

usocksd does not have daemon mode. Use systemd to run it on your background.

Configuration file format

usocksd.toml is a TOML file. All fields are optional.

filename = "/path/to/file"         # default to stderr.
level = "info"                     # critical, error, warning, info, debug
format = "plain"                   # plain, logfmt, json

port = 1080
metrics_port = 1081                # Port number to serve metrics
addresses = [""]          # List of listening IP addresses
allow_from = [""]        # CIDR network or IP address

allow_sites = [                    # List of FQDN to be granted.
    "www.amazon.com",              # exact match
    ".google.com",                 # subdomain match
deny_sites = [                     # List of FQDN to be denied.
    ".2ch.net",                    # subdomain match
    "bad.google.com",              # deny a domain of *.google.com
    "",                            # "" matches non-FQDN (IP) requests.
deny_ports = [22, 25]              # Black list of outbound ports
iface = tun0                       # Outgoing traffic binds to specific network interface
addresses = [""]        # List of source IP addresses
dnsbl_domain = "some.dnsbl.org"    # to exclude black listed IP addresses


If you see usocksd consumes too much CPU, try setting GOGC to higher value, say 300.
