Cxsquared's Heaps ECS Starter Kit
A simple ECS and Event system built on top of Heaps. Mostly built for Game Jams so your millage may vary.
Just an Id that has 0 or more components connect to it.
Data objects that control the state of the game.
An update function that either takes in entities based on a requested set of Components. The components a system looks for are set in the forComponents
There are 2 types of Systems: IPerEntitySystem
which has an update function that takes in 1 entity at a time and IAllEntitySystem
which has an update function that takes in all entities in the world that have the given components.
It's important to note that an entity must have AllComponents listed in the forComponents
array to be passed into the system.
The core controller of this ECS system. You'll create all Entities and register all systems with the World object.
You must remember to tick the world.update(dt:Float)
A blank interface to denote that the given class will be used with the EventBus.
Event Bus
Controls the distribution of events through the use of it's subscribe<T:IEvent>(event:Class<T>, callback:(T) -> Void)
and publish<T:IEvent>(event:T)
A Heaps object that will act as your levels/screen inside your game. Scenes are controlled inside the Game.hx. You can change a scene by publishing a new ChangeSceneEvent
on the Global Event Bus.