

Portable.Xaml is a fork of mono's System.Xaml converted to .NET Standard.

This is intended to be used to read and write Xaml on desktop, mobile, and .NET Core platforms.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/cwensley/Portable.Xaml Build status

Supported Profiles

Portable.Xaml currently supports the following profiles:

Other profiles can be contributed if desired, but these should support the widest range of platforms.


The primary way to use Portable.Xaml is by adding the nuget package to your project.

To get daily builds, add the appveyor feed to your nuget package sources. Make sure you check 'include prerelease' to show the prerelease builds.


The goal of this library is not necessarily to replicate the functionality of System.Xaml going forward, so breaking changes may occur, but only when necessary to keep migrating to Portable.Xaml straightforward.

Some of the enhanced functionality of Portable.Xaml include (but not limited to):

Project Status

While this library should be usable to read & write xaml files including markup extensions, it may have some bugs.

Contributors are more than welcome! Ideally this library can become well supported to bring xaml to more applications.


What about performance you ask? Portable.Xaml's performance has been drastically improved over mono's initial implementation, and is actually much faster than .NET's System.Xaml in most cases.

Here's some results using BenchmarkDotNet:


MethodMeanStdDevOp/sScaledGen 0Allocated
PortableXaml569.8 us16.294 us1,754.91.0011.718850.56 KB
SystemXaml1,325.2 us11.485 us754.62.3335.1563151.53 KB
PortableXamlNoCache1,409.3 us7.649 us709.62.4825.3906106.38 KB
SystemXamlNoCache1,892.2 us28.304 us528.53.3244.9219184.67 KB
OmniXamlBenchmark8,095.5 us310.062 us123.514.22406.25001689.29 KB


MethodMeanStdDevOp/sScaledGen 0Allocated
PortableXaml481.8 us2.805 us2,075.41.0026.8555110.4 KB
SystemXaml809.2 us12.997 us1,235.81.6828.3203117.2 KB
PortableXamlNoCache1,060.2 us34.809 us943.32.2033.2031138.91 KB
SystemXamlNoCache1,151.5 us18.052 us868.52.3933.2031139.17 KB


Portable.Xaml is licensed under MIT.