


========= An Online Analysis System for Packed Android Malware. AppTroy is a generic and fine-grained system for malware analysis, which is convenient for analysts to unpack, deobfuscate and monitor system API. With the functionalities it provides, even an inexperienced analyst is able to better understand the internal logic of the code, because our system does not require knowledge of the packer.


AppTroy is compatible with different versions and even ROMS, but you have to modify one thing in the source code to make it work on your Android system. It's recommended that the target Android system should be <= 4.4.2 because yet I haven't tested it with ART runtime environment.

You need to adapt the offset in /jni/dump.cpp file at line 13(#define OFFSET 796;). The value is the offset from gDvm to its member variable useDexFiles, which can be accessed through reverse engineering(Note: the dvmInternalNativeShutdownv() method may be the one you should inspect.). Of course, all these manual work can be done in script. The source code is in example/ directory but I find it hard to use :(


Make sure you have read everything above.

	git clone https://github.com/CvvT/AppTroy.git
	cd AppTroy
	import this project into Android Studio and build it

	install Xposed framework
	install AppTroy

	adb push /libs/armeabi/libapptroy.so /system/libs/
	adb push /libs/armeabi/libluajava.so /system/libs/

	remember enable the AppTroy module in Xposed installer application and reboot the system

Xposed Framework


Simply using Log.d() to output all information(adb logcat -s cc to see). If you want to change the log behavior, the source code is in file /com/cc/apptroy/util/Logger.java

API monitor

Monitor most of sensitive API.


  1. start the target application

  2. show DexFiles

    am broadcast -a com.cc.dumpapk --es package your/package/name --es cmd '{"action":"show"}'

  3. select one DexFile: Check the output

  4. Dump DexFile

    am broadcast -a com.cc.dumpapk --es package your/package/name --es cmd '{"action":"dump", "cookie": the_value_selected_from_previous_step}'

    When it's done, all smali files will be stored in /data/data/package/of/target/app/files/smali/

  5. Update Class/Method: when you failed to get the real content of one class or method

    am broadcast -a com.cc.dumpapk --es package your/package/name --es cmd '{"action":"update", "filepath":"/path/to/the/config/file"}'

    Here is a sample of config file.

update.json template
	"class": ["com.cc.test.MainActivity", ],
	"method": [
		{"clsName": "", "mthName": "", "signature": ""},

Alternative command:

am broadcast -a com.cc.dumpapk --es package your/package/name --es cmd '{"action":"update_cls", "clsName":"class type descriptor"}

am broadcast -a com.cc.dumpapk --es package your/package/name --es cmd '{"action":"update_mth", "clsName":"type descriptor", "mthName":"method name", "signature":"method signature"}'

Lua script (See AndroLua)

am broadcast -a com.cc.dumpapk --es package your/package/name --es cmd '{"action":"invoke", "filepath":"/path/to/the/lua/script"}'


am broadcast -a com.cc.dumpapk --es package your/package/name --es cmd '{"action":"update", "lua":"content of lua script"}'

Five convenient functions:



If you have any trouble, you can contact me via email(weitengchencc@gmail.com).