

Adversarial Parametric Pose Prior

This is a Pytorch implementation of the CVPR'22 paper "Adversarial Parametric Pose Prior".

You can find the paper here.

<p align="center"> <img src="demos/demo.gif" alt="animated" width=80%/></p> <h4 align="center">Examples of spherical interpolations when sampling from GAN-S pose prior</h4>


We provide the conda environment for Linux. To create and activate it, do:

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate adv_prior

The main requirements are:

As for SMPL mesh, put the basicModel_neutral_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl pickle file from SMPLIFY_CODE_V2.ZIP in data/. Rename the file, replacing basicModel with smpl.

Technical Details

Note: We make use of the torchgeometry library which contains an error. For more details please see this StackOverflow thread. Essentially, the file {ANACONDA_HOME}/envs/adv_prior/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torchgeometry/core/conversions.py must be updated in the function rotation_matrix_to_quaternion:


To launch the training of the GAN-S model on AMASS data, run:

python run/main.py --cfg experiments/train_gan.yaml


We provide two short demo jupyter notebooks for sampling from and interpolating in the latent space. All details can be found here.