


Semi-Supervised Fine-Grained Recognition Challenge at FGVC7

This challenge is focussed on learning from partially labeled data, a form of semi-supervised learning. This dataset is designed to expose some of the challenges encountered in a realistic setting, such as the fine-grained similarity between classes, significant class imbalance, and domain mismatch between the labeled and unlabeled data.

This challenge is part of the FGVC7 workshop at CVPR 2020. Teams with top submissions, at the discretion of the workshop organizers, will be invited to present their work at the workshop.

The competition will be hosted on Kaggle.

Please open an issue (or email jcsu@cs.umass.edu) if you have questions or problems with the dataset.


Important Dates

Data ReleasedMarch 9, 2020
Submission Server OpenMarch 9, 2020
Submission DeadlineMay 26, 2020
Winners AnnouncedJune 1, 2020


The Semi-Supervised iNaturalist-Aves Dataset

This challenge focusses on Aves (birds) classification where we provide labeled data of the target classes and unlabeled data from target and non-target classes. The data is obtained from iNaturalist, a community driven project aimed at collecting observations of biodiversity. See information below about how this challenge relates to previous iNaturalist challenges at FGVC and other existing datasets.

Our dataset comes with standard training, validation and test sets. The training set consists of:

The validation and test set contain 10 and 20 images respectively for each of the 200 categories in the labeled set. The distributions of these images are shown in the table below.

TrainUnlabeled, in-class20026,640
TrainUnlabeled, out-of-class-122,208

The number of images per class follows a heavy-tailed distribution as shown in the Figure below.

Train Val Distribution

Evaluation Criteria

The performance will be measured as the per-image accuracy (top 1) on the test set. The images in the test set are guaranteed to be one of the 200 categories in the training set.

Differences from Previous iNaturalist Challenges at FGVC

This challenge differs from previous iNaturalist competitions in two ways:

  1. Novel images: Our dataset contains a subset of species from Aves kingdom of the iNaturalist 2018 Competition dataset. However, all the images in this competition are new and have no overlap between previous competitions.

  2. Use of unlabeled data: We provide two parts of unlabeled data: 1) in-class where the images are from the same classes of labeled data, and 2) out-of-class where the images are from other Aves species but also collected from iNaturalist.

Differences from Existing Semi-Supervised Benchmarks

Unlike prior benchmarks on semi-supervised learning our dataset exposes the following challenges:

  1. Long-tailed distribution of classes.
  2. The unlabeled data come from both target and non-target classes.
  3. Fine-grained similarity between classes.

Challenge Guidelines

Participants are allowed to use the labeled and unlabeled images in the training and validation set in any way they like. Participants are not allowed to use images, labels, or pre-trained models from previous iNaturalist competitions or any other datasets. However, participants are allowed to use ImageNet pre-trained model (e.g., pre-trained models from torchvision). If you cannot verify the training set of a model, we strongly urge you to not use them because of the potential overlap of class labels.

The general rule is that participants should only use the provided images and annotations (except for the ImageNet pre-trained models) to train a model. For example, dataset from previous iNaturalist competitions or other existing datasets, collecting data from the web or iNaturalist website, or additional annotation on the provided images is not permitted.

Data and Annotations

All the images are stored in JPEG format and have a maximum dimension of 500px.

You can download the dataset files here or on Kaggle:

We follow the annotation format of the COCO dataset and add additional fields. The annotations are stored in the JSON format and are organized as follows:

  "info" : info,
  "images" : [image],
  "annotations" : [annotation],

  "year" : int,
  "version" : str,
  "description" : str,
  "contributor" : str,
  "url" : str,
  "date_created" : datetime,

  "id" : int,
  "width" : int,
  "height" : int,
  "file_name" : str

  "id" : int,
  "image_id" : int,
  "category_id" : int

For unlabeled data (either in-domain or out-of-domain), category_id=-1.

For test data, the value for annotations is empty.

Submission Format

The submission format for the Kaggle competition is a csv file with the following format:

0,25 4 122 99 23
1,0 23 33 32 152
2,143 177 134 113 199

The Id corresponds to the test image Id. The Category corresponds to the top five predicted categories separated by space. You should have one row for each test image. Although we only use top-1 accuracy for the leaderboard, the top-5 predictions will be used for more detailed analysis by the competition organizers. A sample solution is provided.

Test Set Labels

Test set labels are provided.

Baseline Performace

The performance using a fine-tuned ImageNet pre-trained ResNet-50 on 224x224 images on the labeled (in class) data only is shown below. We hope you can significantly improve the performance using the unlabeled data.

Training DataMethodTop-1 Val. Accuracy (%)
Labeled train imagesResNet-50 fine-tune41.35

Terms of Use

By downloading this dataset you agree to the following terms:

  1. You will abide by the iNaturalist Terms of Service
  2. You will use the data only for non-commercial research and educational purposes.
  3. You will NOT distribute the above images.
  4. UMass Amherst makes no representations or warranties regarding the data, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose.
  5. You accept full responsibility for your use of the data and shall defend and indemnify UMass Amherst, including its employees, officers, and agents, against any and all claims arising from your use of the data, including but not limited to your use of any copies of copyrighted images that you may create from the data.


If you are using this dataset, please cite this arXiv paper:

      title={The Semi-Supervised iNaturalist-Aves Challenge at FGVC7 Workshop}, 
      author={Jong-Chyi Su and Subhransu Maji},


FGVC team, Kaggle team, iNaturalist. Special thanks to Grant van Horn for help with iNaturalist data.


Jong-Chyi Su (UMass Amherst) jcsu@cs.umass.edu