

Twitter Flood Datasets

This repository contains two datasets of flood images from Twitter: The Harz17 dataset comprises images from tweets containing flood-related keywords during the occurrence of a flood in the Harz region in Germany in July 2017. Similarly, the Rhine18 dataset comprises images related to a flood of the river Rhine in January 2018.

Furthermore, we provide expert annotations for all images in the dataset, indicating whether the image is relevant for one of the following tasks:

Moreover, we provide two models based on ResNet-50 and VGG-16 for predicting each of these labels. The final classification layer of the models has been trained on the independent European Flood 2013 dataset, which comprises flood images from Wikimedia Commons.

The datasets, annotations, models, and experimental evaluation are described in the following paper:

Björn Barz, Kai Schröter, Ann-Christin Kra, and Joachim Denzler.
"Finding Relevant Flood Images on Twitter using Content-based Filters."
ICPR 2020 Workshop on Machine Learning Advances Environmental Science.


The annotations are provided in the files harz17.json and rhine18.json and look like this:

    "DDyrSTxUQAAZM_A": {
        "TweetID": 881767997014065152,
        "URL": "http://pbs.twimg.com/media/DDyrSTxUQAAZM_A.jpg",
        "Timestamp": 1499064847,
        "RelFlooding": true,
        "RelDepth": true,
        "RelPollution": false

The keys of the object contained in each file are unique identifiers of all images in the dataset, derived from their filenames. For each image, we provide the ID of the tweet, the original URL of the image, the UNIX timestamp of the tweet, and the three binary class labels.

Obtaining the Images

Due to Twitter's Developer Agreement and Policy, we are not allowed to re-distribute the actual images nor the contents of the tweets. You may still access the full information of all tweets using the provided tweet ID.

The python script download_images.py can be used for downloading the actual images. It will create two directories, harz17 and rhine18, and download all images that are still available.

Classification Models

We provide two Keras models for predicting the three class labels mentioned above based on the ResNet-50 and the VGG-16 architecture. Due to their filesize, they have to be downloaded separately and placed in the models directory: ResNet-50 (91 MB) | VGG-16 (57 MB)

The models are pre-trained on ImageNet and the final classification layer has been initialized using an SVM. Please refer to the abovementioned paper for details.


The models expect images in BGR color format with zero-centered color values using the following mean:

Furthermore, images should be resized so that they fully cover a bounding box of size 768x512 (for landscape images) or 512x768 (for portrait images), but are not larger than necessary. After resizing, a central crop of that size should be extracted. An example for how to implement this can be found in utils.py.

Classification Thresholds

We obtained optimal F1-scores with the following classification thresholds:

Model / ClassFloodingDepthPollution

Usage Examples

Examples for loading the datasets, using, and evaluating the models can be found in Flood-Classification.ipynb.

The following Python packages are required for running the notebook: