

TheDesk next(v25~)


Mastodon(and Misskey) client for PC, based on Fedistar

What difference from Fedistar?

Get TheDesk

Website or GitHub Release page

System Config

Can be edited in config.json in AppData(macOS: Application Support) folder. You can easily jump to this folder from the settings screen

hardwareAcceleration: Hardware Acceleration(default: true)
allowDoH: Use DNS over HTTPS (default: true)


pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
pnpm run dev

Because of electron-builder, use shamefully-hoist option to launch production build.


pnpm run build
pnpm run pack:win # Windows(able to run on Windows)
pnpm run pack:linux # Linux(able to run on any OS)
pnpm run pack:mac # macOS(able to run on macOS)


It is currently set to be notarized with the developer's signature. Edit build-tool/noratize.js. To remove notarization, set const useNotarize to false in the third line of build-tool/noratize.js.