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A set of emoji based RSpec formatters for use with test output.


Note: Stuck on Ruby 1.8.7? :grimacing: See 0.x version end of life note.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :test do
  gem 'emoji-rspec'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install emoji-rspec

If you want to always have it included, add it to the top of your .rspec file:

# .rspec
--require emoji-rspec


If not using the .rspec file method, you will need to manually include emoji-rspec on the command line when you call rspec:

$ rspec --require emoji-rspec --format smiles


Adventure Time

Adventure Time with Finn & Jake

WARNING: This is crazy, but then that's the idea if you've seen the show. You take full responsibility for any insanity caused by this formatter.

Pass: :sparkling_heart: :star: :star2: :dizzy: :sparkles: :princess: :person_with_blond_hair: :dog2: :gift_heart:

Fail: :imp: :smiling_imp: :anger: :boom: :japanese_ogre: :japanese_goblin: :poop: :dragon_face:

Pending: :alien: :iphone: :pill: :game_die: :school_satchel: :penguin: :flashlight: :space_invader:

This can be used with the following --format names:

Aggressive Thumbs

See also Thumbs

Pass: :ok_hand:

Fail: :facepunch:

Pending: :fist:

This can be used with the following --format names:


Pass: :green_book:

Fail: :closed_book:

Pending: :orange_book:

This can be used with the following --format names:


Similar to Kanpai and Drinking Game. Here you get to celebrate your hard work when your tests pass. Have a :beer: and cheers with friends :beers:.

Pass: :beers: (cheers with friends / pair programmer)

Fail: :coffee: (oops maybe too many :beer:, have some coffee)

Pending: :pizza: (still work to do, have some nom noms)

This can be used with the following --format names:

Drinking Game

See also Celebrate and Kanpai

Ever have that late night coding session? Now you can do it in style.

This is the one time that we do not advise you write failing tests first!

Also we advise that you turn on fail fast during these sessions:

RSpec.configure{ |c| c.fail_fast = true }

Or if you prefer the command line persuasion: --fail-fast

Now without further delay

Pass: :coffee:

Fail: :cocktail: (gulp of a mixed drink or a shot)

Pending: :beer: (gulp of beer)

This can be used with the following --format names:

If coffee isn't your thing, there is a tea version too.

Pass: :tea:

Fail: :cocktail: (gulp of a mixed drink or a shot)

Pending: :beer: (gulp of beer)

This can be used with the following --format names:


Pass: :green_apple:

Fail: :tomato:

Pending: :lemon:

This can be used with the following --format names:


Similar to Celebrate and Drinking Game. Here you get to celebrate your hard work when your tests pass. So lift some :sake: and 'Kanpai!'.

Pass: :sake: ("Kanpai!" with friends / pair programmer)

Fail: :tea: (oops maybe too much :sake:, have some green tea)

Pending: :sushi: (still work to do, have some nom noms)

This can be used with the following --format names:

Life Hearts

Pass: :green_heart:

Fail: :broken_heart:

Pending: :yellow_heart:

This can be used with the following --format names:


Pass: :four_leaf_clover:

Fail: :mushroom:

Pending: :chestnut:

This can be used with the following --format names:


I wish Apple had more emoji to make this one a bit more interesting.

Pass: :dango:

Fail: :rice_cracker:

Pending: :fish_cake:

This can be used with the following --format names:

Smile Dip

Pass: :lollipop:

Fail: :ghost:

Pending: :dolphin: (aoshima)

Mabel riding Aoshima

This can be used with the following --format names:

Mabel on Smile Dip


Pass: :blush:

Fail: :rage:

Pending: :grimacing:

This can be used with the following --format names:


Pass: :sunny:

Fail: :umbrella:

Pending: :cloud:

This can be used with the following --format names:


Pass: :turtle:

Fail: :beetle:

Pending: :snail:

This can be used with the following --format names:


See also Aggressive Thumbs

Pass: :thumbsup:

Fail: :thumbsdown:

Pending: :hand:

This can be used with the following --format names:



Pass: :pig:

Fail: :bug:

Pending: :seedling:

This can be used with the following --format names:

Waddle's Life

Zen Smiles

Pass: :expressionless:

Fail: :disappointed:

Pending: :pensive:

This can be used with the following --format names:

Bugs, Issues, and Suggestions

Please submit them here https://github.com/cupakromer/emoji-rspec/issues


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request



The current main release. Full support for 2.0.0, with some backwards support for 1.9.2 and 1.9.3.


This has reached end of life. Further improvements will only be on the 1.x line. Pull Requests will be welcome on this branch, but new formatters will not be added. If you submit a PR for this, please maintain 1.8.7 support.

Copyright / License

Copyright (c) 2012 Aaron Kromer, released under the MIT License.

See LICENSE for details.