



MLtuner-GeePS is an extended version of GeePS with automatic training hyperparameter tuning support. It includes a lightweight MLtuner module that automatically tunes the training hyperparameters for distributed ML training (including learning rate, momentum, batch size, data staleness, etc).

Download and build MLtuner-GeePS and Caffe application

Run the following command to download MLtuner-GeePS and (our slightly modified) Caffe:

git clone https://github.com/cuihenggang/mltuner-geeps.git

If you use the Ubuntu 16.04 system, you can run the following commands (from geeps root directory) to install the dependencies:


Also, please make sure your CUDA library is installed in /usr/local/cuda.

After installing the dependencies, you can build MLtuner-GeePS by simply running this command from mltuner-geeps root directory:

scons -j8

You can then build (our slightly modified) Caffe by first entering the apps/caffe directory and then running make -j8:

cd apps/caffe
make -j8

CIFAR-10 example on two machines

You can run Caffe distributedly across a cluster of machines with MLtuner-GeePS. In this section, we will demonstrate the steps to run Caffe's CIFAR-10 example on two machines.

All commands in this section are executed from the apps/caffe directory:

cd apps/caffe

You will first need to prepare a machine file as examples/cifar10/2parts/machinefile, with each line being the host name of one machine. Since we use two machines in this example, this machine file should have two lines, such as:


We will use pdsh to launch commands on those machines with the ssh protocol, so please make sure that you can ssh to those machines without password.

When you have your machine file in ready, you can run the following command to download and prepare the CIFAR-10 dataset:


Our script will partition the datasets into two parts, one for each machine.

The configurations for this experiment are specified in examples/cifar10/2parts/ps_config_alexnet, and you can refer to tools/caffe_geeps.cpp for the list of configurations that you can specify.

You can then train the model with:

./examples/cifar10/2parts/train_alexnet.sh YOUR_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

ImageNet with Inception-BN

The directory for ImageNet configuration files is examples/imagenet/8parts. Unfortunately, we don't have a script for you to prepare the ImageNet dataset, and you will have to prepare your own input data files and specify the path in examples/imagenet/8parts/inception_train_val.prototxt.template.

Once you have the data and configurations ready, you can train the model with:

./examples/imagenet/8parts/train_inception.sh YOUR_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

ImageNet with Inception-v3

WARNING: this part has not been thoroughly tested yet.

Once you have the data and configurations ready, you can train the Inception-v3 model with:

./examples/imagenet/8parts/train_inception_v3.sh YOUR_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

Happy training!

Reference Paper

Henggang Cui, Gregory R. Ganger, and Phillip B. Gibbons. MLtuner: System Support for Automatic Machine Learning Tuning. arXiv preprint 1803.07445.

Henggang Cui, Hao Zhang, Gregory R. Ganger, Phillip B. Gibbons, and Eric P. Xing. GeePS: Scalable Deep Learning on Distributed GPUs with a GPU-Specialized Parameter Server. In ACM European Conference on Computer Systems, 2016 (EuroSys'16).