

Twilio SDK for PHP

An ultra-lightweight PHP SDK for accessing Twilio APIs and emitting valid TwiML verbs in response to webhook calls. Also works with SignalWire.

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Getting Started

Send a SMS message:

	require_once "support/sdk_twilio.php";

	// Twilio Account Sid and Token.
	$twilio_sid = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID";
	$twilio_token = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_TOKEN";

	$twilio = new TwilioSDK();
	$twilio->SetAccessInfo($twilio_sid, $twilio_token);

	// For SignalWire, use:
//	$twilio->SetAccessInfo($twilio_sid, $twilio_token, "https://YOUR_SPACE.signalwire.com/api/laml/2010-04-01");

	$postvars = array(
		"From" => "+13145557878",  // Twilio phone number
		"To" => "+13145551212",    // Destination phone number
		"Body" => "SMS message to send."

	$result = $twilio->RunAPI("POST", "Messages", $postvars);
	if (!$result["success"])


Handle an incoming webhook call:

	require_once "support/sdk_twilio.php";

	// Twilio Account Sid and Token.
	$twilio_sid = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID";
	$twilio_token = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_TOKEN";

	$twilio = new TwilioSDK();
	$twilio->SetAccessInfo($twilio_sid, $twilio_token);

	// Secure the request.


	if (isset($_REQUEST["CallSid"]))
		if (isset($_REQUEST["Digits"]) && $_REQUEST["Digits"] == "1")
			$twilio->OutputXMLTag("Say", array(), "It's sunny and warm outside.");
		else if (isset($_REQUEST["Digits"]) && $_REQUEST["Digits"] == "2")
			$twilio->OutputXMLTag("Say", array(), "It's going to be a balmy 72 degrees outside today with a very slight chance of delicious pie falling from the sky.");

		$options = array();
		$options[] = "Press 1 to get the weather.";
		$options[] = "Press 2 to get the forecast.";

		$twilio->OpenXMLTag("Gather", array("numDigits" => "1"));
		$twilio->OutputXMLTag("Say", array(), implode("  ", $options));

		$twilio->OutputXMLTag("Redirect", array(), Request::GetFullURLBase());


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