

FlexForms Modules for PHP

Official PHP modules for FlexForms. Choose from a MIT or LGPL license.

Formerly called Admin Pack Modules. The modules in this repository extend FlexForms and also Admin Pack.

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Available Modules


Copy all the files for a specific module into the same directory that FlexForms resides in (e.g. support/flex_forms.php). Then use require_once directives to include the required functionality after including FlexForms. Modules register themselves automatically with the FlexForms class.

The following new field types are added:

New type-specific options for array fields:


Example code showing how to use most modules can be found in the Admin Pack admin.php file.

reCAPTCHA Module Example

Since it doesn't really belong in Admin Pack, here's a brief example of using the reCAPTCHA module:

	// This example is derived from:
	//   https://github.com/cubiclesoft/php-flexforms/blob/master/docs/flex_forms.md

	require_once "support/str_basics.php";
	require_once "support/flex_forms.php";
	require_once "support/flex_forms_recaptcha.php";

	// ...

	$errors = array();
	if (isset($_REQUEST[$ff->GetHashedFieldName("name")]))
		// ...

		$result = FlexForms_reCAPTCHA::IsValid("[Your secret key goes here]");
		if (!$result["success"])  $errors["recaptcha"] = $result["error"] . " (" . $result["errorcode"] . ")";

		if (!count($errors))
			// ...

	// ...

	// Make your own site and secret key:  https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin

	$contentopts = array(
		"hashnames" => true,
		"fields" => array(
			// ...
				"title" => "Module:  Invisible reCAPTCHA",
				"type" => "recaptcha",
				"name" => "recaptcha",
				"sitekey" => "[Your site key here]",
				"size" => "invisible",
				"desc" => "Description for reCAPTCHA."
		"submit" => "Submit"

	$ff->Generate($contentopts, $errors);

Even though the 'recaptcha' name attribute is not output, it is used for displaying error messages regarding reCAPTCHA submissions.

FlexForms_reCAPTCHA::IsValid($secretkey, $remoteip = true, $allowedhosts = true)

Module: reCAPTCHA

Access: public static


Returns: A standard array of information.

This function sends the reCAPTCHA code in $_REQUEST["g-recaptcha-response"] to the Google reCAPTCHA verification server. The included HTTP, WebBrowser, and IPAddr classes are loaded as needed. The defaults are generally good enough but customizations of the sitekey/secretkey (e.g. removing domain restrictions, proxying requests) may require calling this function with corrected options for $remoteip and $allowedhosts to guarantee that the CAPTCHA was solved by a valid IP address and hostname.