

Discord SDK for PHP

An ultra-lightweight PHP SDK for accessing the Discord API and Discord webhook endpoints. This SDK does not currently support the Discord Gateway (i.e. the WebSocket interface).

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Getting Started (API)

Set up Discord API access:

Create a 30 minute, single use invite for temporary members:

	require_once "support/sdk_discord.php";

	// Replace the string with the bot token above.
	$bottoken = "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE";

	// Replace this with a valid channel ID.
	// The channel ID can be found at the end of the URL in Discord.
	$channelid = "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID_HERE";

	// Create a temporary invite.
	$discord = new DiscordSDK();
	$discord->SetAccessInfo("Bot", $bottoken);

	// For a complete list of options:
	// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#create-channel-invite
	$options = array(
		"max_age" => 1800,
		"max_uses" => 1,
		"unique" => true,
		"temporary" => true

	$result = $discord->RunAPI("POST", "channels/" . $channelid . "/invites", $options);
	if (!$result["success"])


	$url = "https://discord.gg/" . $result["data"]["code"];

	echo $url . "\n";

Getting Started (Webhook)

Set up a webhook in Discord:

Send a webhook notification that posts a message in a channel:

	require_once "support/sdk_discord.php";

	// Replace the string with the Webhook URL above.
	$url = "URL_OF_WEBHOOK";

	// For a complete list of options:
	// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#execute-webhook
	$options = array(
		"content" => "It works!"

	$result = DiscordSDK::SendWebhookMessage($url, $options);
	if (!$result["success"])


Send a webhook notification that posts a message with a file attachment in a channel:

	require_once "support/sdk_discord.php";

	// Replace the string with the Webhook URL above.
	$url = "URL_OF_WEBHOOK";

	// For a complete list of options:
	// https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#execute-webhook
	$options = array(
		"content" => "It works!"

	// Attaching a file.
	$fileinfo = array(
		"name" => "file",
		"filename" => "mycat.jpg",
		"type" => "image/jpeg",
		"data" => file_get_contents("/path/to/mycat.jpg")

	// OR attach multiple files.
//	$fileinfo = array(
//		array(
//			"name" => "file",
//			"filename" => "mycat.jpg",
//			"type" => "image/jpeg",
//			"data" => file_get_contents("/path/to/mycat.jpg")
//		),
//		array(
//			"name" => "file2",
//			"filename" => "othercat.jpg",
//			"type" => "image/jpeg",
//			"data" => file_get_contents("/path/to/othercat.jpg")
//		),
//	);

	$result = DiscordSDK::SendWebhookMessage($url, $options, $fileinfo);
	if (!$result["success"])


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