

Cosmos Protobuf

This repository compains the whole cosmos protobuf files compiled for python and ready to use with grpc. Please use the according .proto file as documentation for each python file.


You can install this package directly from the repository by using:

python -m pip install cosmospy-protobuf


The following code snippet will query the balances for the address osmo15hzhcvgs2ljfng6unghvr5l32prwqdyq4aguxn. The according query.proto file in the bank subdirectory contains the Request and the Response for this request. The details for the response are defined in QueryAllBalancesResponse. It contains the balances and pagination attribute which can be accessed as shown in the example below.

import grpc # using grpcio
import cosmospy_protobuf.cosmos.bank.v1beta1.query_pb2_grpc as query_pb2_grpc # for gprcio
#import cosmospy_protobuf.cosmos.bank.v1beta1.query_grpc as query_grpc # for gprclib
import cosmospy_protobuf.cosmos.bank.v1beta1.query_pb2 as query_pb2

host = "osmosis.strange.love"
port = "9090"

c = grpc.insecure_channel(f'{host}:{port}')
stub = query_pb2_grpc.QueryStub(c)

r = stub.AllBalances(query_pb2.QueryAllBalancesRequest(address="osmo15hzhcvgs2ljfng6unghvr5l32prwqdyq4aguxn"))

Build yourself

There are two scripts helping you to fork this repository to work with any cosmos based coin.

Addititional Requirements:

  1. grpcio-tools
  2. grpclib
  3. GitPython
  4. protoletariat


  1. Create a config in configs and take a existing one as example
  2. Run the aggregate.py file with your filename without .json (Example python aggregate.py cosmos)
  3. Run the compile.py to compile all your files to protobuf
  4. Build your package. You're done!

Protobuf compilation

The files are compiled using the grpc_tools.protoc command from the grpcio-tools library. To compile a .proto file manually use following command:

python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I <absolute path to project root> --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. --grpclib_python_out=. <absolute path to .proto file>

After compiling all the files with protoc you need to fix the imports by using protoletariat


Other Cosmos based coins

Currently following coins are maintained by me:

Maintained by external contributors: