Future development of this binding has been moved to nexus-torch
(, serving as a computation backend of nexus
, a typesafe deep learning engine.
JTorch: JVM bindings for Torch (PyTorch C/C++ core)
Corresponding PyTorch version: 0.4.0
🚧 Ongoing project 🚧 Status: Not ready for use 🚧
Windows | Linux | MacOS | |
CPU | ✓ | ||
CUDA | ✓ |
Step 1: Install PyTorch from source.
Locate the headers (*.h) and shared libraries (*.so / *.dylib / *.dll)
Step 2: Build SWIG bindings and publish to local Ivy repository.
You probably need to modify something in the script to make it work.
[TODO] Will be refactored into a Makefile
Step 3: Use!
When starting a JVM, add -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib
(or where your libATen.dylib
to include that directory, so that JVM can properly load native the binary.
Package mappings
Torch has several C packages, to which each is mapped to the following Java package:
Torch package | Mapped Java package |
TH | jtorch |
THNN | jtorch.nn |
THS | jtorch.sparse |
THC | jtorch.cuda |
THCUNN | jtorch.cuda.nn |
THCS | jtorch.cuda.sparse |
Type mappings
Torch has the following Storage
types, which are mapped to the Java corresponding types on the right.
Torch type | Element type (C) | Bits | Mapped element type (Java) | Java type |
THHalfTensor | THHalf | 16 | float | HalfTensor |
THFloatTensor | float | 32 | float | FloatTensor |
THDoubleTensor | double | 64 | double | DoubleTensor |
THByteTensor | uint8_t | 8 | short | UByteTensor |
THCharTensor | int8_t | 8 | byte | ByteTensor |
THShortTensor | int16_t | 16 | short | ShortTensor |
THIntTensor | int32_t | 32 | int | IntTensor |
THLongTensor | int64_t | 64 | long | LongTensor |