


License PHP Version Require

Easily create Magento2/AdobeCommerce PHP/XML/JS files from a set of templates via the command-line.

<p>Allows you to define your own templates as well as the data provided at files' creation time.</p>

#1 Installation

composer require --dev ctasca/mage-bundle

#2 Copy template files to Magento root dev/ directory

cd <magento_root>/vendor/ctasca/mage-bundle && composer run-script post-install-cmd
<p>After executing the above command, check that <code>dev/</code> directory of your Magento installation contains a <code>mage-bundle/</code> directory.</p>

Enable the module

bin/magento module:enable Ctasca_MageBundle

Run <code>setup:upgrade</code> command

bin/magento setup:upgrade

Run <code>setup:di:compile</code> command (optional)

<p>If Magento is running in <code>production</code> mode you will need to also run:</p>
bin/magento setup:di:compile

Available commands

bin/magento magebundle:module:create


bin/magento m:modu:c
<p>Creates a skeleton Magento module in app/code directory, generating the required registration.php and etc/module.xml files</p>
bin/magento magebundle:controller:create


bin/magento m:cont:c
<p>Creates a Controller namespace and Action class in specified module. Developer is prompted to choose a router (either standard or admin), and an Action template from the ones available in <code>mage-bundle/http-controller</code> or <code>mage-bundle/adminhtml-http-controller</code> directories.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:etc:xml:create


bin/magento m:e:x:c
<p>Creates an XML file in Company/Module/etc directory. Templates can be chosen after specifying the area where the template applies to.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:model:set:create


bin/magento m:m:s:c
<p>Creates a Model, Resource Model and Collection classes in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:repository:create


bin/magento m:r:c
<p>Creates all the required class for a Repository in specified Company/Module.</p> <p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> In order to create a repository a model implementing an interface must exist.</p> <p>If you need a Repository when creating a model-set with the command <code>magebundle:model:set:create</code> you can choose a template that will also create a Model implementing an interface</p> <p>This command creates the following:</p> <ul> <li>An API Interface for the repository</li> <li>An API Data Interface for the model (if it doesn't exist)</li> <li>An API Data Search Result Interface</li> <li>The repository Model implementing the repository Interface</li> </ul> <p>Do not forget to add the preferences to your di.xml for the repository classes once created. For example:</p>
    <preference for="Company\Module\Api\Data\$MODEL_NAMEInterface" type="Company\Module\Model\$MODEL_NAME" />
    <preference for="Company\Module\Api\$MODEL_NAMERepositoryInterface" type="Company\Module\Model\$MODEL_NAMERepository" />
    <preference for="Company\Module\Api\Data\$MODEL_NAMESearchResultInterface" type="Company\Module\Model\$MODEL_NAMESearchResult" />

bin/magento magebundle:model:create


bin/magento m:mode:c
<p>Creates a Model class in specified Company/Module. There is also the template to create an interface instead of a class.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:block:create


bin/magento m:b:c
<p>Creates a template Block class in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:helper:create


bin/magento m:h:c
<p>Creates a Helper class in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:customer-data:create


bin/magento m:cu:c
<p>Creates a CustomerData class in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:view-model:create


bin/magento m:v:c
<p>Creates a View Model class in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:observer:create


bin/magento m:o:c
<p>Creates an Observer class in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:plugin:create


bin/magento m:p:c
<p>Creates a Plugin class in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:cron:create


bin/magento m:cr:c
<p>Creates a Cron class in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:console-command:create


bin/magento m:cons:c
<p>Creates a Console Command class in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:data-patch:create


bin/magento m:d:c
<p>Creates a Setup Data Patch class in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:schema-patch:create


bin/magento m:s:c
<p>Creates a Setup Schema Patch class in specified Company/Module.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:api-interface:create


bin/magento m:a:c
<p>Creates an API interface in specified Company/Module. Templates can be chosen after specifying the area where the template applies to.</p> <p>For functional API interfaces, the generated file will be created in the Company/Module/Api directory</p> <p>For data API interfaces, the generated file will be created in the Company/Module/Api/Data directory</p>
bin/magento magebundle:jquery-widget:create


bin/magento m:j:c
<p>Creates a JQuery widget file in specified Company/Module. JS file will be created in the specified module's <code>view/$AREA/web/js</code> directory.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:ui-component:create


bin/magento m:u:c
<p>Creates an Ui Component JS file in specified Company/Module. JS file will be created in the specified module's <code>view/$AREA/web/js</code> directory.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:logger:create


bin/magento m:l:c
<p>Creates a Logger Handler and Logger classes files in specified Company/Module.</p> <p>Log filename can be specified when executing this command.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:js:mixin:create


bin/magento m:j:m:c
<p>Creates a JS mixin file in specified Company/Module. JS file will be created in the specified module's <code>view/$AREA/web/js</code> directory.</p>
bin/magento magebundle:exception:create


bin/magento m:e:c
<p>Creates an Exception class in specified Company/Module.</p>

Utilities commands

bin/magento magebundle:util:encryptor


bin/magento m:u:e
<p>Encrypts/Decrypts a string using Magento crypt key</p>

Setting custom working directory

<p>By default, MageBundle creates files in the <code>app/code</code> directory and in the specified module's namespace</p> <p>It is possible, to change this behaviour by creating a json file named <code>pwd.json</code> in the <code>$MAGENTO-ROOT/dev/mage-bundle</code> directory and specifying the directory (relative to magento root) where files will be created when executing MageBundle commands.</p> <p>This can be useful, for example, when developing a module which is not located in <code>app/code</code> directory</p>


The directory specified in <code>pwd.json</code> must end with a forward-slash

pwd.json example:

  "pwd" : "packages/my-package/"

About template files:

<p>Template files are written in PHP version 8.1.</p> <p>For example the <code>http-get-action-json-result.tpl.php</code> contains the following</p> <pre> {{php}} declare(strict_types=1); namespace {{namespace}}; use Magento\Framework\App\Action\HttpGetActionInterface; use Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface; use Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\JsonFactory; use Magento\Framework\Controller\Result\Json; class {{class_name}} implements HttpGetActionInterface { /** * @param RequestInterface $request * @param JsonFactory $jsonFactory */ public function __construct( private readonly RequestInterface $request, private readonly JsonFactory $jsonFactory ){} /** * @return Json */ public function execute(): Json { $jsonResponse = $this->jsonFactory->create(); return $jsonResponse->setData([]); } } </pre> <p>To set your own templates just place them in the <code>MAGENTO_ROOT/dev/mage-bundle/$TEMPLATES_DIRECTORY/</code> directory and choose the template when executing the magebundle create commands.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> When executing the <code>magebundle:etc:xml:create</code> command, files are generated with the same name as the template file.<br>To create your own templates, use the filename for the xml file to be generated appending __$STRING to the template filename.<br>For example to define your own global acl.xml template, create, for example, the template file naming like so: acl__custom.tpl.xml. Then simply place it in the dev/mage-bundle/etc/global directory and select it when executing the create command.</p> <p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> If a filename already exists in a module's directory, the create command will not be executed and an error is output to the console.<br>This is to prevent overwriting an existing file.</p> <p>For a list of the templates defined within the module go to...</p>

The repository wiki page

Templates Data Provider

<p>It is possible to define your own templates as well as the data that are passed when these are generated.</p> <p>In order to do so, simply create a JSON file in the <code>MAGENTO_ROOT/dev/mage-bundle/custom-data/#path-to-template#</code> directory, naming the file exactly as the template file that is being generated and defining a JSON Object with setter methods as keys and their corresponding values.</p> <p>As an example, for XML files generated in <code>Company/Module/etc</code> directories, custom data should be stored in <code>MAGENTO_ROOT/dev/mage-bundle/custom-data/etc/#area#/#template_name#.tpl.json</code></p>


  "setTestNamespace" : "\\Ctasca\\MageBundle\\Test",
  "setCustomDataArray" : ["First Value", "Second Value"]
<p>After creating this JSON file, it will be possible to use the placeholder <code>{{test_namespace}}</code> in a template file.</p> <p>As <code>setCustomDataArray</code> provides an array, this will be imploded with <code>PHP_EOL</code> separator. To use it in your template files you would use the placeholder: <code>{{custom_data_array}}</code></p>