

Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution


Kai Zhang, Jingyun Liang, Luc Van Gool, Radu Timofte
Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

[Paper] [Code] [Training Code]

Our new work for real image denoising ---> https://github.com/cszn/SCUNet

Our work is the beginning rather than the end of real image super-resolution.

from utils import utils_blindsr as blindsr
img_lq, img_hq = blindsr.degradation_bsrgan(img, sf=4, lq_patchsize=72)


  1. Download KAIR: git clone https://github.com/cszn/KAIR.git
  2. Put your training high-quality images into trainsets/trainH or set "dataroot_H": "trainsets/trainH"
  3. Train BSRNet
    1. Modify train_bsrgan_x4_psnr.json e.g., "gpu_ids": [0], "dataloader_batch_size": 4
    2. Training with DataParallel
    python main_train_psnr.py --opt options/train_bsrgan_x4_psnr.json
    1. Training with DistributedDataParallel - 4 GPUs
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=1234 main_train_psnr.py --opt options/train_bsrgan_x4_psnr.json  --dist True
  4. Train BSRGAN
    1. Put BSRNet model (e.g., '400000_G.pth') into superresolution/bsrgan_x4_gan/models
    2. Modify train_bsrgan_x4_gan.json e.g., "gpu_ids": [0], "dataloader_batch_size": 4
    3. Training with DataParallel
    python main_train_gan.py --opt options/train_bsrgan_x4_gan.json
    1. Training with DistributedDataParallel - 4 GPUs
    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=1234 main_train_gan.py --opt options/train_bsrgan_x4_gan.json  --dist True
  5. Test BSRGAN model 'xxxxxx_E.pth' by modified main_test_bsrgan.py
    1. 'xxxxxx_E.pth' is more stable than 'xxxxxx_G.pth'

Some visual examples: oldphoto2; butterfly; comic; oldphoto3; oldphoto6; comic_01; comic_03; comic_04

<img src="figs/v1.png" width="390px"/> <img src="figs/v2.png" width="390px"/> <img src="figs/v3.png" width="784px"/>

Testing code

Main idea

<img src="figs/degradationmodel.png" width="790px"/>

Design a new degradation model to synthesize LR images for training:

Some notes on the proposed degradation model:


<img src="figs/comparison.png" width="790px"/>

These no-reference IQA metrics, i.e., NIQE, NRQM and PI, do not always match perceptual visual quality [1] and the IQA metric should be updated with new SISR methods [2]. We further argue that the IQA metric for SISR should also be updated with new image degradation types, which we leave for future work.

[1] "NTIRE 2020 challenge on real-world image super-resolution: Methods and results." CVPRW, 2020.
[2] "PIPAL: a large-scale image quality assessment dataset for perceptual image restoration." ECCV, 2020.

More visual results on RealSRSet dataset

Left: real images | Right: super-resolved images with scale factor 4

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/butterfly.png" width="156px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/butterfly_BSRGAN.png" width="624px"/>

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/oldphoto2.png" width="156px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/oldphoto2_BSRGAN.png" width="624px"/>

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/oldphoto2.png" width="390px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/oldphoto2_BSRGAN.png" width="390px"/>

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/oldphoto3.png" width="156px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/oldphoto3_BSRGAN.png" width="624px"/>

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/oldphoto3.png" width="390px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/oldphoto3_BSRGAN.png" width="390px"/>

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/oldphoto6.png" width="390px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/oldphoto6_BSRGAN.png" width="390px"/>

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/dog.png" width="390px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/dog_BSRGAN.png" width="390px"/>

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/dped_crop00061.png" width="390px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/dped_crop00061_BSRGAN.png" width="390px"/>

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/chip.png" width="390px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/chip_BSRGAN.png" width="390px"/>

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/comic1.png" width="390px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/comic1_BSRGAN.png" width="390px"/>

<img src="testsets/RealSRSet/comic3.png" width="390px"/> <img src="testsets/BSRGAN/comic3_BSRGAN.png" width="390px"/>

<img src="figs/comic_03.png" width="784px"/> <img src="figs/comic_03_BSRGAN.png" width="784px"/>

Visual results on DPED dataset

<img src="figs/00003.png" width="200px"/> <img src="figs/00003_BSRGAN.png" width="790px"/>

<img src="figs/00080.png" width="200px"/> <img src="figs/00080_BSRGAN.png" width="790px"/>

<img src="figs/00081.png" width="200px"/> <img src="figs/00081_BSRGAN.png" width="790px"/>

Without using any prior information of DPED dataset for training, our BSRGAN still performs well.


    title={Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution},
    author={Zhang, Kai and Liang, Jingyun and Van Gool, Luc and Timofte, Radu},
    booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},


This work was partly supported by the ETH Zurich Fund (OK), a Huawei Technologies Oy (Finland) project, and an Amazon AWS grant.