Awesome 2048 and beyond
Play and waste your time! :-)
Waste and lose at least 8 hours of your life... then multiply it... ;-)
Gabriele Cirulli started a revolution with his dead simple game: 2048. The code is released under the MIT license, and you are free to hack it. But if all the hours you spent playing the game were not enought, here is something for you.
- toucharcade 27.03.2014 Cloned to Death: Developers Release all 570 Emails That Discussed the Development of 'Threes!' [...] Even though 1024, another clone of Threes, was released first, it was 2048 that gained a huge following [...]
- Threes The Rip-offs & Making Our Original Game
- I maintain also a devcharm list with the same link, just for fun! :-)
xkcd mentions
- Digits 2048 is so popular that Randall Munroe created a stripe for it.
GitHub projects
- 2048 Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile!
- 2048 3D Join the numbers inside cube and get to the 2048 tile!
- 2048 4D Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! In a 4-dimensional way!
- 4096 Join the numbers and get to the 4096 tile!
- Flappy 2048 Jump through the tiles and get to 2048!
- Fibonacci Join the numbers following each others in fibonacci sequence.
- Hexagon 16384 Join the numbers and get to the 16384 tile! In an hexagon way!
- 2048 for physicists Collide these elementary particles and generate the Higgs Boson! - 2048 Tetris 2048 Tetris
- LHC Collide these elementary particles and generate the HIGGS BOSON!
- 2048 Stats Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! With stats!
- 2048 in Kivy 2048 Game with Kivy Python
Self hosted
- Logarithmic Flappy 2048 Jump through the tiles and get to 2048!
- From 8 to 32768 Join the numbers and get to the X tile! Choose your X difficulty.
- Doge 2048 Let's play with Doge! Such game. Much better. Wow.
- 9007199254740992 Join the numbers and get to the 9007199254740992 tile!
- HN Plays 2048 Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! However, this is HN plays 2048, which means anybody who is online can move your pieces!
- HN Plays 2048 (democracy) Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! However, this is HN plays 2048, which means anybody who is online can move your pieces!
- 2x2048 Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile!, or have the most points at the end!
- 2048 Numberwang Join the numbers and get to the 6194 tile! Let’s play Numberwang!
- 65536 Finished 2048? Try 65536
- 2(048) Split the numbers and get to the 2 tile!
- 1125899906842624 Join the numbers and get to the 1125899906842624 tile! Reach triple digits to engage hard mode, where tile values start overlapping! Fantastic!!!!!!
- Dropbox 2048 Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! Save your high scores on Dropbox!
- .?. 2048 without numbers
- Renzi2048 Play 2048 with Renzi
beyond the web...
- Bash 2048 Bash implementation of 2048 game
- Python implementations on github Some Python implementations
- Android apps Some 2048 apps on Goole Play
- 2048 Atari 2600 A port of the 2048 game to the Atari 2600 VCS
- term2048 2048 In your terminal
- sed2048 The 2048 game implemented in sed
- 2048 in Kivy 2048, in Python / Kivy
- contest Current Contest: Let's play 2048! (Ends in few days...)
- text2048 Text mode 2048
AI Solver & Algorithms
- 2048 solver This project provides an algorithm to solve the popular game 2048. The idea is based on the A* search algorithm.
- Stackoverflow question What is the optimal algorithm for the game, 2048?
- Reddit comments 2048 in 42 lines
- Blog post Text mode 2048 game in C, algorithm explained
- Reddit comments Text mode 2048 game in C for your Linux