

Vert.x OrientDB Integration

Integrates OrientDB 2.x with Vert.x. It supports plocal, remote and memory databases, and OrientGraph for graph/Tinkerpop 2.x uses.

wercker status


Using it

To use the OrientDB in Vert.x, you need to include following dependency to your project:


To use it in your code, you must perform these steps:

Both, the database instance and manager implement io.vertx.core.Closeable. Closing database closes only the given database, while closing manager closes all opened databases and the manager itself.

Examples found in the vertx-orientdb-examples subproject.

Integration configuration:

  "orientHome" : "orient",
  "serverEnabled" : false

The orientHome path should point to a directory (if not exists, will be created) where OrientDB Home is. OrientDB "home" directory is where it's configuration, databases, etc. reside.

The serverEnabled boolean sets whether to enable OrientDB Server on startup, hence, allow incoming remote connections to Vert.x managed OrientDB Server or not. When server enabled, the OrientDB server configuration is searched on path $orientHome/config/orientdb-server-config.xml and all the "usual business" applies how OrientDB configures itself (see OrientDB documentation). If server disabled, the integration still allows to access local, in-memory or remote databases, but no incoming OrientDB connection (database or console) will be possible. In that case, databases are placed in $orientHome/databases directory.

If server enabled, but no configuration provided, this integration will copy the "default" configuration to it's place and use that, but that mode is not recommended for production use (configuration is copied from default OrientDB distribution).

Branches and building

Have fun!