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CSSTree Validator

CSS Validator built on CSSTree.

Technically, the package utilizes the capabilities of CSSTree to match CSS syntaxes to various parts of your code and generates a list of errors, if any.

Note: If csstree-validator produces false positives or false negatives, such as unknown properties or invalid values for a property, please report the issue to the CSSTree issue tracker.

Note: CSSTree currently doesn't support selector syntax matching; therefore, csstree-validator doesn't support it either. Support for selector validation will be added once it is available in CSSTree.


Install the package via npm:

npm install csstree-validator


You can validate a CSS string or a CSSTree AST:

import { validate } from 'csstree-validator';
// For CommonJS:
// const { validate } = require('csstree-validator');

const filename = 'demo/example.css';
const css = '.class { pading: 10px; border: 1px super red }';

console.log(validate(css, filename));
// Output:
// [
//   SyntaxError [SyntaxReferenceError]: Unknown property `pading` {
//     reference: 'pading',
//     property: 'pading',
//     offset: 9,
//     line: 1,
//     column: 10
//   },
//   SyntaxError [SyntaxMatchError]: Mismatch {
//     message: 'Invalid value for `border` property',
//     rawMessage: 'Mismatch',
//     syntax: '<line-width> || <line-style> || <color>',
//     css: '1px super red',
//     mismatchOffset: 4,
//     mismatchLength: 5,
//     offset: 35,
//     line: 1,
//     column: 36,
//     loc: { source: 'demo/example.css', start: [Object], end: [Object] },
//     property: 'border',
//     details: 'Mismatch\n' +
//       '  syntax: <line-width> || <line-style> || <color>\n' +
//       '   value: 1px super red\n' +
//       '  ------------^'
//   }
// ]

Alternatively, you can use helper functions to validate a file or directory and utilize one of the built-in reporters:

import { validateFile, reporters } from 'csstree-validator';

const result = validateFile('./path/to/style.css');

Validation Methods


Note: Helpers are not available in browser environments as they rely on Node.js APIs.

All helper functions return an object where the key is the path to a file and the value is an array of errors. The result object is iterable (has Symbol.iterator) and can be used with for...of loops or the spread operator.


const result = validateFile('path/to/file.css');

for (const [filename, errors] of result) {
  // Process errors

Available helper functions:


CSSTree Validator provides several built-in reporters to convert validation results into different formats:

Example usage:

import { validate, reporters } from 'csstree-validator';

const css = '.class { padding: 10px; color: red; }';
const result = validate(css, 'example.css');

// Output:
// [
//   { "name": 'example.css', ... },
//   { "name": 'example.css', ... },
//   ...
// ]

Browser Usage

CSSTree Validator can be used in browser environments using the available bundles:

You can also use a CDN service like unpkg or jsDelivr. By default, the ESM version is exposed for short paths. For the IIFE version, specify the full path to the bundle:

<!-- ESM -->
<script type="module">
  import * as csstreeValidator from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/csstree-validator';
  // or
  import * as csstreeValidator from 'https://unpkg.com/csstree-validator';

<!-- IIFE with csstreeValidator as a global -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/csstree-validator/dist/csstree-validator.js"></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/csstree-validator/dist/csstree-validator.js"></script>

Note: Helpers are not available in the browser version.

Command-Line Interface (CLI)

Install globally via npm:

npm install -g csstree-validator

Run the validator on a CSS file:

csstree-validator /path/to/style.css

Display help:

csstree-validator -h

    csstree-validator [fileOrDir] [options]


    -h, --help                     Output usage information
    -r, --reporter <nameOrFile>    Output formatter: console (default), checkstyle, json, gnu
                                   or <path to a module>
    -v, --version                  Output version

Custom Reporters

In addition to the built-in reporters, you can specify a custom reporter by providing the path to a module or package. The module should export a single function that takes the validation result object and returns a string:

export default function(result) {
  let output = '';

  for (const [filename, errors] of result) {
    // Generate custom output

  return output;

// For CommonJS:
// module.exports = function(result) { ... }

The reporter option accepts:

The resolution algorithm checks the reporter value in the following order:

  1. If it's a path to a file (relative to process.cwd()), use it as a module.
  2. If it's a path to a package module (relative to process.cwd()), use the package's module.
  3. Otherwise, the value should be the name of one of the predefined reporters, or an error will be raised.


Plugins that use csstree-validator:
