

Official code for using / reproducing TRIM from the paper Transformation Importance with Applications to Cosmology (ICLR 2020 Workshop). This code shows examples and provides useful wrappers for calculating importance in a transformed feature space.

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sample usage

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from trim import TrimModel
from functools import partial

# setup a trim model
model = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(10, 10), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(10, 1)) # orig model
transform = partial(torch.rfft, signal_ndim=1, onesided=False) # fft
inv_transform = partial(torch.irfft, signal_ndim=1, onesided=False) # inverse fft
model_trim = TrimModel(model=model, inv_transform=inv_transform) # trim model

# get a data point
x = torch.randn(1, 10)
s = transform(x)

# can now use any attribution method on the trim model
# get (input_x_gradient) attribution in the fft space
s.requires_grad = True
input_x_gradient = s.grad * s

related work


    title={Transformation Importance with Applications to Cosmology},
    author={Singh, Chandan and Ha, Wooseok and Lanusse, Francois, and Boehm, Vanessa, and Liu, Jia and Yu, Bin},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.01926},