


A remake of the 1995 RPG Albion



<details> <summary>Click to expand</summary>

Example Screenshot 1 Example Screenshot 2 Example Screenshot 3 Example Screenshot 4 Example Screenshot 5


Current Status

Things that are at least somewhat implemented:

Currently unimplemented:

Planned improvements / changes from the original gameplay:

Getting started

Game data

You need to have the original Albion game files. These days, Albion can be bought cheaply on GOG.

If you have the GOG version of the game, extract the required game files as follows:


  1. Ensure wine and dosbox are installed
  2. Download the Albion installer for Windows from GOG
  3. Run the installer using wine (wine setup_albion_1.38_\(28043\).exe). Note that the installer may show some errors, but if the game can be launched in the end, it's okay.
  4. Run dosbox
  5. Run the following commands in dosbox to extract the data files. Replace ~/ualbion with wherever you cloned the ualbion repository. Replace ~/.wine/drive_c/GOG Games/Albion/ with wherever you installed your GOG version of Albion. Note the double quotes ("), they are necessary if your path contains spaces.
    1. mount C "~/ualbion"
    2. mount D "~/.wine/drive_c/GOG Games/Albion/"
    3. C:\src\Tools\GOG_EXTR.BAT


  1. Download the Albion installer from GOG
  2. Run installer
  3. Open the Albion install directory in file explorer (e.g. C:\GOG Games\Albion)
  4. Go into the DOSBOX directory and run DOSBOX.exe
  5. Run the following commands in dosbox to extract the data files. Replace C:\Git\ualbion with wherever you cloned the ualbion repository. Replace C:\GOG Games\Albion with wherever you installed your GOG version of Albion. Note the double quotes ("), they are necessary if your path contains spaces.
    1. mount C "C:\Git\ualbion"
    2. mount D "C:\GOG Games\Albion"
    3. C:\src\Tools\GOG_EXTR.BAT

If you're not using the GOG version or want to select your game files manually, you can either copy the files into an "ALBION" subdirectory manually or configure data/config.json to set the paths for the files. The files can also be manually extracted from the GOG version by mounting the game.gog file using CDemu (it's just a raw binary dump of the CD contents) and then copy the ALBION directory into your UAlbion folder.

Compile and run

To compile and run the project the easiest way is to use the run script (i.e. run.bat on Windows and run.sh on Linux).

For developers, any C# IDE should work (e.g. VS Code, Visual Studio, Rider etc). The available solutions are:


Many thanks to Florian Ziesche and the other contributers to the freealbion wiki for their efforts in discovering and documenting the Albion file formats.

Thanks to IllidanS4 for the ILBM loading code in AlbLib (MIT License) which my InterlacedBitmap implementation was based on.

Thanks also to the authors of and contributers to the dependencies of this project: