


A simple ASP.NET Core wiki that we are working on during live coding streams. It runs on Windows, Mac, Linux and Container. Core Wiki is an allusion to the Core App. This name was suggested by Shayne Boyer in the stream of the 27th/March. Initially this project is very basic and anyone who is learning ASP.NET Core 2.0 (Razor Pages) can use it to learn..

Jeff Fritz writes code live on video streams, and wants to give you a central place to ask questions, find samples, and links to projects and other materials referenced during the show.

Watch LIVE

Jeff currently presents on the following services. Choose the one that works for you:

You can find his current schedule on both services, and if you follow or subscribe to the channel you will be notified when the stream begins.

Get the Music!

Our friend Carl Franklin from .NET Rocks has graciously allowed us to play some of his Music to Code By during the stream. Buy the music, or get a subscription with the mobile app at www.musictoflowby.com

Ask Questions

If you want to know more about something or want to see a demo of something specific, you can ask Jeff by opening an issue and adding the 'Question' label.

The list of currently outstanding questions is available. When questions are answered, they are closed and links are added to the wrap-up blog post for the stream they were answered in.


I enjoy having guests join me for some pair-programming, because we're always going to learn something new together.

Jeff's Setup

Jeff has written about how he has the hardware configured as well as the software to produce stream on his blog.

Watch recordings

Archive of all shows from the stream can be found on Jeff's YouTube Fritz and Friends playlist.

March 27, 2018From DevIntersection in Orlando, ASP.NET Core with guest Shayne Boyer
March 29, 2018Back in Philly working on our new Wiki project - Start 00:52:50
April 5, 2018Building a Wiki with ASP.NET Core - Updating to Bootstrap 4 - Start 00:28:40
April 10, 2018Pair-programming with Jon Skeet, Handling Dates and Times
April 12, 2018Pair-programming with YOU! Your .NET questions and pull-requests - Start 00:23:05
April 14, 2018Coding ASP.NET Core: Building a Wiki
April 19, 2018Chill coding today.. good music, good code, and YOU!
May 3, 2018Answering your questions, reviewing pull-requests, and May is for Macs continues! - Start 00:22:55
May 5, 2018ASP.NET Core, live interactions with SignalR, and YOUR pull requests - No Video Available
May 22, 2018May is for Macs - Reviewing GitHub scoreboard widget and working on our Wiki - Start 01:09:27
May 24, 2018May is for Macs - Working with Gravatar and Updating to ASP.NET Core 2.1
May 26, 2018May is for Macs - Building an RSS Feed and adding some AI to our Bot - Start 00:18:47
May 29, 2018May is for Macs - Reviewing Pull Requests and making the realtime web with SignalR
May 31, 2018The end of May is for Macs - Completing our realtime GitHub scoreboard SignalR - First hour
June 2, 2018Finishing the GitHub Scoreboard and merging YOUR pull-requests - First hour
June 7, 2018Dotnet global tools and reviewing pull requests to the CoreWiki project
June 9, 2018DotNet Global Tools - Delivering Sample Code Easier than Ever - Start 00:32:48
June 12, 2018Upgrading to ASP.NET Core 2.1.1 and finishing our .NET global tool - Start 00:24:07
June 14, 2018Monitoring Applications with Isaac Levin
June 16, 2018Authorization in C# and ASP.NET Applications, plus YOUR Pull Requests - Start 00:15:20
June 19, 2018Notifications and Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core with Amanda Iverson
June 23, 2018Reviewing Pull Requests and talking about ASP.NET Performance
June 28, 2018Completing historical data storage and reviewing your pull requests
June 30, 2018Reviewing Pull Requests and Discussing Dependency Injection - Last 20 minutes
July 3, 2018Building a user-interface to compare wiki article versions
July 5, 2018Day after Independence Day, building web pages with ASP.NET Core - Start 00:41:15
July 7, 2018Refactoring and Pull requests | C# | ASP.NET Core - Start 00:29:45 for about 15 minutes

1) Functionality that have already been implemented

HomePage - It's not a page or a feature. This is a default article that is presented as if it were the Home. When the user navigate to /Details, if topicName is not specified, the application redirect to default Article (HomePage)

Header Menu






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search engine friendly URL's




2) Topics covered in previous streams

Lessons - Visual Studio Live Sharing Extension

Lessons - GitHub

Lessons - Git Cli

Lessons - Nuget

Lessons - DOTNET Cli

Lessons - ASP.NET Core

Lessons - Entity Framework Core

Lessons - UI

Lessons - Continuous Integration