

fREedom is a primitive attempt to provide an IDA Pro independent means of extracting disassembly information from executables for use with binnavi (https://github.com/google/binnavi).

WARNING: This software is in its infancy

Background: binnavi is a graphical "binary navigator" useful for reverse engineering software. binnavi does not contain its own disassembler, instead relying upon the capabilities of the commercial disassembler, IDA Pro. binnavi ships with an IDA plugin that extracts required information from an existing IDA database into a set of binnavi compatible, Postgres tables. The amount of work that IDA does on behalf of binnavi is not trivial. There is a reason there are no open source competitors to IDA. Eliminating binnavi's dependency on IDA is not quite as trivial as slapping some glue code on top of a disassembly framework like Capstone (http://www.capstone-engine.org/) and calling it a day. This project takes some small steps in that direction. it is thrown together, not well thought out, and it has a long way to go.

Basic use:

What's here:

What's not here:
