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Paper | Discussion

Self-Supervised Deep Blind Video Super-Resolution

By Haoran Bai and Jinshan Pan


[2024-1-18] Training code is available!
[2024-1-18] Testing code is available!
[2024-1-17] This paper is accepted by IEEE TPAMI!


Existing deep learning-based video super-resolution (SR) methods usually depend on the supervised learning approach, where the training data is usually generated by the blurring operation with known or predefined kernels (e.g., Bicubic kernel) followed by a decimation operation. However, this does not hold for real applications as the degradation process is complex and cannot be approximated by these idea cases well. Moreover, obtaining high-resolution (HR) videos and the corresponding low-resolution (LR) ones in real-world scenarios is difficult. To overcome these problems, we propose a self-supervised learning method to solve the blind video SR problem, which simultaneously estimates blur kernels and HR videos from the LR videos. As directly using LR videos as supervision usually leads to trivial solutions, we develop a simple and effective method to generate auxiliary paired data from original LR videos according to the image formation of video SR, so that the networks can be better constrained by the generated paired data for both blur kernel estimation and latent HR video restoration. In addition, we introduce an optical flow estimation module to exploit the information from adjacent frames for HR video restoration. Experiments show that our method performs favorably against state-of-the-art ones on benchmarks and real-world videos.



More detailed analysis and experimental results are included in [Paper].


Get Started


Dataset Organization Form

If you prepare your own dataset, please follow the following form:

            |--video 1
                |--frame 1
                |--frame 2
            |--video 2
            |--video n
            |--video 1
                |--frame 1
                |--frame 2
            |--video 2
            |--video n
            |--video 1
                |--frame 1
                |--frame 2
            |--video 2
            |--video n


cd ./code
python main.py --template Self_Blind_VSR_Gaussian
cd ./code
python main.py --template Self_Blind_VSR_Realistic


Quick Test

cd ./code
python inference.py --quick_test Gaussian_REDS4
	# --quick_test: the results in Paper you want to reproduce, optional: Gaussian_REDS4, Gaussian_Vid4, Gaussian_SPMCS, Realistic_REDS4

Test Your Own Dataset

cd ./code
python inference.py --input_path path/to/LR/videos --gt_path path/to/GT/videos --model_path path/to/pretrained/model
	# --input_path: the path of the LR videos in your dataset.
	# --gt_path: the path of the GT videos in your dataset.
	# --model_path: the path of the downloaded pretrained model.


    title = {Self-Supervised Deep Blind Video Super-Resolution},
    author = {Bai, Haoran and Pan, Jinshan},
    journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)},